Chapter Twenty Four:Yule Of The Night.

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(Play the song when you feel like it's the perfect moment).

Narrators POV.

Harper and Nevile walked into Longbottom manor as Nevile dropped Harper off in the Living room with Sirius and John. He greeted them and then he left them to change to his proper attire in his room.

"So Harper, how has it been with Nevile?, what were you two doing?".

John asked as Harper shrugged. Not knowing what John is doing as Siruis looked at Harper curiously.

"We were looking at Neviles plants and they are remarkable. Especially the flowers he grew by himself, those smelled lovely".

Harper told John as he nodded, a bit interested in the plants but he's more interested in Nevile.

"Thats all you two did?".

"Yeah, aside from making up conversations and admiring his plants, why?".

"Oh nothing, nothing indeed".

John told Harper, he grew way too fond of the girl (obviously) to the point where he thinks Harper is his actual daughter. He just has a feeling to protect Harper from boys. Sirius is the same but he's pretty chill unless if someone hurts Harper. Then he'll personally hunt them down and maul them to death.

"Nice bowtruckle, I see you've healed its arm".

Sirius steered the conversation away from the topic of Nevile as Harper looked at Sirius and then at the bowtruckle. Who is sitting on her shoulder, biting it's own tiny fingers.

"Yeah, I don't know what to call them, give me a moment".

Harper hold the conversation as she started talking to the bowtruckle.

<"Are you a boy or a girl and do you have a name?">.

<"I don't have a name. I'm a boy, females are smaller than males and we have stronger claws to protect our home tree">.

The bowtruckle told Harper as she nodded and had a thought. She looked at John, who is confused on why she's looking at him.

"Dad, do you have a name for him?".

Harper asked, pointing to the bowtruckle as John put on his thinking face and then came up with one.

"Well, I think Alexander would suit him, sorry I'm starting to think of the Roman's now".

John admitted as Harper looked at the bowtruckle, who had a happy smile on his face.

<"I like that name, Alexander sounds amazing">.

"Turns out he likes his name dad, great job".

Harper told John as Sirius pouted.

"No fair, I want to name one of your magical creatures too".

"Okay, the next time we find another magical creature, you may name them as long as they like it of course".

Sirius cheered when Harper announced that he may name a magical creature that Harper finds and looks after.

Soon it turned night as the guests invited to Longbottom manor had came inside the manor.

John, Harper and Sirius were moved to the ball room as they stood next to a small table that has about six seats seated around the table. John got excited when he saw the Malfoys and waved them over to him. They saw him and came over to John, who is standing next to Harper and Sirius.

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