Chapter Ten:Train Ride And The Sorting.

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Narrators POV.

Harper, Draco, Pansy, Daphne, Blaise, Greg, Vincent, Susan and now Neveile are walking through the train. All are participating in conversation as Harper looked around for the hidden compartments. After a few minutes, she has found a symbol of Ravenclaw on the doorknob that leads to a separate compartment.

"Guys, I've found it".

Everyone in Harpers group went quiet as Harper put her hand on the doorknob. The doorknob hummed at Harpers touch and opened the door for Harper to come in. Harper went in first and looked around the compartment in curiosity.

The Ravenclaw compartment is a cabin on the train that has four rooms, the living/study room, bathroom, bedroom and a kitchen. The walls are a birch wood with navy blue colors engraved on the patterns with windows tinted black to hide who's in the compartment of Ravenclaw.

Harper is in the living room, the living room has a mantelpiece with a fireplace underneath. Around the living room is bookshelves with books accompanying the shelves for the heirs to read through. Infront of the mantelpiece is a coffee table with a blue and white vase full of iris's and bellflowers. On the opposite side of the mantelpiece is a large window that is tinted black but has a clear view of the station. The sofas are sat infront of the window with small tables that has binoculars to observe the landscapes.

"Whoa, guys come in you've got to see this!".

Harper called out as her friends came through the doorway, they are spellbound by the cabin they were presented.

"Wow, this is quite nice"

Daphne commented as she looked out the window, they were still in the station but she can see people coming in.

"Mhm, this is quite nice, I like the decor here".

Blaise complimented as he looked at the library presented infront of him in interest.

"Wow, Harper there's a bathroom here- wait a minute, I can see my best friend Hannah, I'll see you guys in a moment!".

Susan called out as she opened the door she came through and left the compartment alone to them. Greg and Vincent sat on the L shaped couch and had a pleasant conversation together as Draco joined in. Harper went around the compartment to explore as Ace transformed back into a nundu and laid on the sofa infront of the windows.

"Hmm, Sebastian should I go check on Hedwig?".

Harper asked as Sebastian shook his head sideways, he is no longer a scarf but instead his original snake skin.

"Yeah your right, she is a strong Phoenix and she needs her personal space".

Harpers POV.

I left my trunk and Sebastian in the bedroom as I walked back into the living room where my friends are talking with eachother. Susan has came back with Hannah and Daphne left to find Tracy. I noticed Nevile wasn't participating in conversation, instead he was looking at his toad in his hand. I sat next to him on the L shaped couch.

"Hello Nevile, is everything okay?".

I asked as he jumped at my question but nodded shyly.

"Y-yeah, I just never t-talked to a lot of p-people my a-age".

Nevile stuttered as I gave him my gentle smile. I know how that felt and I am determined to break that shell of his and make him comfortable around my friends.

"Okay then, why don't we get to know each other since we are friends Nevile?, let's start right now. What subject are you looking forward too at Hogwarts?".

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