Chapter Seven:Happy Eleventh Birthday Harper Potter.

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Harpers POV.

It's been a few more months and I had befriended Draco Malfoy, even though he's my godbrother. I liked listening to him go on about Quidditch and he introduced me to his friends.

They were Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass and Blaise Zabini. Sometimes I'd see them come over to Malfoy manor whenever I study traditions and customs of the Wizarding world. Sometimes they see Ace, at first they were terrified but eventually they grew to love him like I do.

Anyways, today was a start of a special day for me because today is my eleventh birthday. I woke up with a smile on my face but felt a lick on my face.

'Get up my familiar, it's your birthday today and I am going to give you my present first'.

I sat up to see Ace, he was giving me a toothy smile as I gave him a stroke on his head. I got out of bed, wearing my pajamas as I looked around my room. It was a normal room, I have a bed, draws, closet, a large mirror and a large pillow for Ace.

I got changed into a white, knee length, short sleeved dress with flower designs as I brushed my waist length, auburn hair. Once there were no more knots, I started braiding my hair into a waterfall braid since it's my favourite style. It took me a few minutes and I was done braiding my hair. I looked down at Ace and gave him a smile.

"So what is my present Ace?".

Just as I asked that, Ace offered his neck to me.

'My bit of hair willingly given to you, it's precious to me and I want you to have it'.

I felt myself smile as I plucked a bit of hair off Ace and gave him a hug. Then after a while, he left me alone in my room as I grabbed my teal jacket and put it on. I place the hair in my pocket as I left my room, thinking about my birthday today.

I wonder what my dad John had got for me, I'm interested in what Draco, Narcissa, Lucius and Ragnok will give to me for birthday presents. I'm just curious on what wizards and goblins give to people on their birthdays.

"Good morning Harper had a good sleep?".

I see dad making pancakes in the kitchen. That's not the only thing I see, I see a chocolate cake was sitting on the dining table with eleven green candles. Ace was sitting on the couch in the living room, giving himself a lick as I sat on the chair infront of the cake.

"Yeah, I had a good sleep dad".

"Mhm, happy birthday Harper, guess what?".

Just as dad flipped the pancake in the air, I see a barn owl fly through the open window in the kitchen with a letter on its leg. Unfortunately the barn owl flew into John's flipped pancake as it crashed into the table. Luckily it missed the cake as it stood up shakily, the pancake slipping off the owls face as I cleaned some of the pancake off.

"That was my lucky last pancake".

Dad whined but I see Ace rush into the kitchen, stood up on his two back legs and used his front legs as support to the table.

'Get lost!, your in my territory!'.

He hissed at the barn owl as it scared the barn owl out of the house but the owl dropped the letter quickly as it flew out the window. I looked at Ace with a frown on my face as he saw the disregarded pancake, grabbed it with his teeth and started eating it happily.

"Oh come on, I was going to eat that!".

Dad shouted as Ace hissed angry complaints at dad once he swallowed the pancake whole.

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