Chapter Nineteen:Samhain Has Been Saved.

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Narrators POV.

After Harper had discovered the Philosophers Stone. She immediately went back to her common room, rushed up to the dormitories and climbed down in her mother's trunk.

She couldn't believe what was in the castle, this needed to be brought to John's attention so she wrote a letter to him about her findings.

Once she was outside with the letter and stone in hand, she called out for Hedwig, who appeared infront of her.

~"What do you need my owlet?"~.

"I need you to take this and the letter to dad immediately, can you do that for me please?".

Harper asked as Hedwig nodded and ate the stone in Harpers hand while Harper tied the letter on Hedwigs leg. Then Hedwig evaporated into flames infront of Harper as she left for John's home, aka Wood Residence.

John's POV.

Me and Sirius are washing dishes after eating lunch. I was surprised that Sirius isn't using magic to dry the dishes. Even after being handed his wand back, I thought he would use his magic again. Turns out I was wrong.

"So Sirius, what was your home life like?".

"Oh, it wasn't very good, I rather not talk about it. What about you?".

Sirius asked as I shrugged and decided to tell him my life before I became a wizard.

"Well, my mom had named me John after my great, great granddad. I never met him before but she always told me that I looked so much like him. I had his brown scruffy hair, eyes and skin. Other than that, she loved me and raised me like her own".

I told Sirius as he nodded but I can tell he's upset.

"Your lucky to have her, I wasn't so lucky, my mother hated me very much and I hated her too. I got sorted into Gryffindor instead of Slytherin, unlike my brother Regulus. The only family member that loved and cared about me was my grandfather. When he passed away, he wrote in his will that I was made to be the lord of the house of Black but I didn't want it".

I was surprised when he said he didn't want to be lord Black.

"Why not?".

"Because I- well I-".

I watched him as he stopped drying the dishes and tried to come up with a response. It took him a minute and he found it.

"Well, I didn't know what I was thinking but I didn't want the title when my grandfather died. I ran off to the Potters and never looked back at the Blacks again".

Sirius told me as I gave him a pat on the shoulder to comfort him. Suddenly a burst of white flames appeared out of the window. Making me push Sirius to the side as I jumped back. Then out of the white flames came Hedwig the Phoenix flying out of her flame like portal.

"Oh hi Hedwig, what are you doing here?, what happened to Harper?".

Hedwig landed herself on the counter as she started coughing out something over the sink.

"Is that a Phoenix?".

Sirius asked as I nodded at Sirius's question.

"Yep, this is one of Harpers familiars, her names Hedwig, we found her in a pet shop in diagon alley and Harper wrote to us about Hedwigs newborns".

I explained to Sirius as I watched Hedwig carefully, she's still trying to cough out whatever it is out of her throat. I then see a letter tied around her leg as I took it off her leg.

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