Chapter Twenty-Five:Return To Hogwarts.

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Narrators POV.

Harper and her friends had returned back to Hogwarts, she and Nevile were teased relentlessly by their friends after that dance. Luckily it stopped by the time they got to Hogwarts on the weekend.

Sebastian is back on Harpers neck and Ace is hissing at Nevile with disdain. He figured out that Nevile had danced with Harper and he's not happy. Especially when he was introduced to another magical creature called Alexander. Alexander normally stayed on Harpers shoulder but her whole neck, including the top of her shoulders is occupied by Sebastian. So Alexander stays in her pockets, not that he complains though.

Meanwhile in the headmasters office, Dumbledore had just returned with a foul attitude. He had been stripped off his order of Merlin first class for housing a cerberus in a children's school, hiring a teacher that brought in a troll and accused of stealing a class A artifact. Luckily he had smoothed his way through Cornelius because he would've lost more of his titles. The dark and grey section were suggesting of Cornelius to strip the Mugwump Supreme position off him.

He didn't want to think about it, he is hoping Harper had recieved the gifts brought to her. He had tried to track her home down using the gift he had owled to her but failed. It could mean Harper hasn't put it on or her caretakers had discovered the spells on it. He really hopes it isn't the second option but he is starting to doubt the first option would be true.

"No matter, if that didn't work, surely Molly's stuff would work".

Dumbledore pondered to himself as he is standing infront of the window that showed the grounds of Hogwarts. Dumbledore could hear a chirp from Fawkes, thinking he's agreeing with him.

"Indeed Fawkes, Molly has never failed me before but her son- oh dear he's failed countless of times".

Dumbledore told himself as he left the window alone, walked towards the doorway and soon left. Leaving an even more sadder Fawkes alone.

Fawkes used to believe that Dumbledore had intentions good for everyone but now. All he sees is a darkened heart full of greed and desire to get a child under his control for his better nature.

Harpers POV.

Me and my friends walked back into Hogwarts with our trunks as I hoped that maybe today will be peaceful since we just got back from Yule.

"So Harper, ready to ditch these snakes and losers and join the light?".

Me and my friends stopped our tracks to see low and behold, Ronald Weasley. I forgot about him because I was having fun at Yule and being teased almost all the way back to Hogwarts. I can hear Ace growled at him as he seemed to ignore Ace.

"I'm sorry Weasley but I prefer being with them than being in the same space as you for a second".

I told him as his face had reddened.

"Seriously Potter?!, you choose to be with these losers than with the light?!. You can't trust those snakes, those Hufflepuff losers and the nerds, they'll betray you".

"The only loser I see is you Weasley, your being a spoiled prat and I don't stand for those that bully my friends".

I told him calmly as he was about to pull his wand out but luckily Fred and George came to our rescue.

"Oh Ronniekins-".

"Are you bullying again-".

"Mom and dad won't like that, let's go talk somewhere else".

I watched Fred and George drag Ronald Weasley away as they sent a wink my way, I had a smile on my face.

"You've befriended the Weasley Twins?".

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