Chapter Seventeen:Quidditch Gone Wrong?.

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Harpers POV.

It's been a month and I've made friends with everyone in Ravenclaw. It was fairly easy because I participated in tutoring my classmates. Then some of the seniors saw my knowledge and asked for my help so I agreed to help them. Some of the seniors told me that I should be in fifth year because of my knowledge. I took it as a compliment.

Not only that, I've managed to impress my teachers, well maybe not Professor Quirrel or Professor Binns. Professor Quirrel is scared of me that when I set foot in his class, he runs out of class. Professor Binns is fairly annoyed with me asking if he can teach history of the Wizarding world instead of goblin wars. Madam Pince seems to like me because I organized her whole library for her and it only took a couple of weeks in the mornings, after lunch and after dinner. I've done such a good job that she rewarded me a one way trip into the restriction section. Madam Promfrey is a nice medics witch, I've had good conversations with her everytime I've dropped off Professor Snapes potions in her office.

Then there's Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger, they are still persistent on trying to be my friend. Once I was going to accept them but Nevile told me that they were working for Dumbledore so I avoided them like the plague. Speaking of Nevile, he introduced Seamus and Dean to my group and they are fun to hang around.

Anyways, I was heading to the Quidditch pitch with my group of friends and a nimbus 2000 in hand. Surprisingly I made it in the Quidditch team as a first year. This is what happened two weeks ago.

-~Flashback Two Weeks Ago~-.

Narrators POV.

It was a nice blue sky out today, on the school grounds was a flying class with all four houses participating in the class. The class was being taught by Madam Hooch, who has golden eyes. Harper noticed the brooms are old and poor quality, she decided to keep that in check for her 'to do' list. She's standing in between Draco and Nevile as her whole close group of friends are on the same line as her.

"Good afternoon class, welcome to your first flying lesson. Well what are you wait for?, everyone step on the left side on your broom. Put you hand forward and say up".

Madam Hooch told as everyone did what she said. Harper was the first for the broom to launch up to her hand. She took note on the quality of the broom and decided after class to mail John about the brooms. She already mailed John about the house elves clothing and he told her that they'll be finished next year.

After a few minutes, everyone has their brooms in their hands. Madam Hooch walked around to look at how people are holding their brooms. It was only Ron that held his broom wrong because Harper pointed out to Draco that the way he's holding his broom is not the right way to hold it.

"Okay, I want each of you to mount on your broom and kick of the ground, then hover for a moment and touch back down. On my whistle, three two-".

Just as Madam Hooch was about to blow the whistle, Nevile had started flying. Harper reached for his foot to keep him from flying but it was proven worthless when he zoomed out of her reach. All eyes were on Nevile as Harper inhaled and chased after Nevile on her broom.

She flew in the same height as Nevile as he was holding onto the broom for dear life. Now Harper is convinced to mail John immediately about the brooms before someone gets hurt. Her main priority at the moment is Neviles safety.

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