Chapter Thirty-One:Off To America.

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Narrators POV.


Sirius shouted in astonishment as John had a smile on his face while he is drinking his coffee.

"Oh this is good coffee, I'll admit it's better than my normal made coffee".

"But how?, you seemed fit to be a Ravenclaw or a Hufflepuff or hell a Gryffindor".

Sirius asked as John simply shrugged and placed his coffee down.

"Well, the hat was in a stall with me, he was stuck between placing me anywhere back in my first year. Then he suggested Slytherin so I let him put me in there".

"But still, I'm in shock you were sorted into the house of purebloods, how are you still alive?!".

Sirius asked John as Sirius is still in shock that John was sorted into Slytherin of all places. John simply shrugged at Sirius's question.

"Well that's how Lucius automatically thought I was a pureblood aside from hanging around Narcissa. That's why you and your friends never noticed me anywhere at Hogwarts. I was in the rivalry house with Gryffindor and I wasn't being paid attention to by you guys".

John told Sirius his reasoning as he face palmed, he should have known that. Lucius and Narcissa back then wouldn't have made any friends with muggleborns unless if they were in their house and understood the Wizarding world already. It's against the rules of their homes.

Sirius should know because Narcissa is apart of the Blacks. The Blacks hated muggleborns, blood traitors and muggles for centuries. The Blacks may have been in an alliance with the Potters way longer than their hatred for muggles. they hated muggleborns and muggles for what they've done back in the old days.

The same hatred for muggles, blood traitors and muggleborns of the Blacks applies to every pureblood in Great Britain. Muggles and purebloods don't mingle together, they were seen beneath the purebloods, especially muggleborns. So it's a shock to Sirius that John had been sorted and survived in Slytherin for all his school years in Hogwarts.

"Okay then, so you must know my brother that came into the house of Slytherin".

"Oh yeah, Regulus Arcturus Black isn't it?, he's a nice guy, even though he keeps to himself most of the time like Severus".

John told Sirius as he grumbled under his breath about his own brother but shook it off.

"So John, why did the hat sort you into Slytherin or more or less why did you agree to be sent into the house known to not accept muggleborns?".

Sirius asked as John had a smile on his face but scratched his head. He pretty much ignored Sirius's comment about no muggleborns being sorted into Slytherin.

"Well, I can barely remember now because it's been years since that happened but I did remember this. The hat said something about me having ambition, determination, use of resources and not being fooled easily. Along the lines of the hat, it said something else about changing pure bloods their belief and their minds of muggleborns".

John told Sirius about his sorting as Sirius ohh'd at him. After spending time with John, John does have ambition, determination and the use of resources around him, heck Sirius can't even lie around him because he'll know.

He mistaken those for traits of an observant and intelligent Ravenclaw, a caring and hardworking Hufflepuff or a determined and brave Gryffindor.

"At first it baffled me but overtime did I learn from spending time with my housemates and the other houses that my eyes were wide open. It was the right choice to be sorted into Slytherin for me. I don't mean to brag but I had quite the population with the ladies".

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