Chapter Twenty-Eight:Hagrids Re-Enlightment

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Narrators POV.

After that pep talk with Dumbledore, the magical creature reserve was further examined by the board and the ministry. True to Amelia's words, no magical creature was taken or executed as it was declared to be used by the magical creatures class or any class for that matter if it's within reason.

Dumbledore was annoyed by it but he can't do anything about it, the ministry and the board had seen the reserve. If he tries to remake the barrier on it then he'll surely get caught and go on probation from Hogwarts by the board and the ministry. Not that the reserve matters anymore, what's done is done. Harper had destroyed the barrier on behalf of Hogwarts request amd everyone witnessed the reserve.

Anyways, it's been a few months since the reserve and Harper always visited the magical creature reserve. She loved the creatures on the reserve and spent time with them. Much to Aces dismay but Harper made sure to give him lots of love and attention, even though Sebastian and Hedwig complained about Ace being spoiled with attention. Harper can't bring him on the reserve because he will scare off the rest of the magical creatures off. She decided to make sure Ace comes with her to classes or meal times and that's it, she won't let him on the reserve.

Because of that action, it decreased the chances of Ron and Hermione talking with her because Ace was there along with Sebastian. They didn't care about Alexander but they made sure to stay away from Ace because he's dangerous in their opinion. Harper wouldn't want it any other way as she could spend time with her friends in peace.

The magical creatures started growing fond of her because she cared about them and treated them equally. Sometimes Silvanus Kettleburn would see her on the reserve and request her to join the magical creatures class. He's seen that she has taken a remarkable approach to the creatures and wanted her in his classes.

Of course she agreed and she would bring her suitcase with Fluffy in it and showcase him to Silvanus. He was amazed by Fluffy the first time he came into her trunk and he requested for Fluffys time in his class. Harper agreed on the condition to stay longer in his class with Fluffy.

One is to keep an eye on Fluffy and two is to stay in the magical creatures class. After all, she's on top of her studies so she is simply assisting him during her class time. She asked her teachers with their permission of course. Normally they'd say yes, maybe not Professor Binns and the new DADA substitute, Alastor Moody. She and her classmates enjoyed his classes for he actually taught them magic and taught them how to be aware of their surroundings. So there was simply no reason for her to dodge his classes.

Now today was a little different because Harper had decided to visit Hagrid with Silvanus. She heard from a few teachers that Hagrid loves magical creatures so she had thought to take him to the magical creatures class. After all, from her studies, Hagrid is a half giant and she is fairly interested in Hagrids giant side.

She stood infront of the door of Hagrids hut and knocked on the door with Silvanus standing next to her. The door opened to reveal Hagrid, he looked sad.

"Hello Hagrid, is everything alright?".

"Oh, hello Harper and Professor Kettleburn, sorry, I'm just not feeling happy today".

Harper felt sad for Hagrid, Hagrids reason for being sad is because he missed Fluffy and he didn't know where he went. From what he's heard, Fluffy had went to a new owner instead and he is sad he didn't get to say goodbye. Harper inhaled as she looked at Silvanus, who nodded for her to continue.

"Well, me and Professor Kettleburn are here to cheer you up, I am asking if you want to come to the magical creatures class with us? I heard from the other teachers you love magical creatures. Maybe we can tour you around the new reserve?, how does that sound?".

Harper asked as Hagrids face had lit up as he nodded eagerly.

"But at the cost that you answer questions about giants to your knowledge. For you see, Professor Kettleburn has the sixth years studying anything about the fourth or fifth class creatures for the final exams".

Harper explained to Hagrid as Silvanus nodded in agreement, Hagrid didn't seem to mind as he nod again.

"That's great, come on Hagrid".

Harpers POV.

It's been an hour and Hagrid had been talking with the sixth year students of the care of magical creatures class. Everyone either seemed amazed or terrified of Hagrid explaining the giants in detail from his knowledge. Sometimes Professor Kettleburn says small facts about giants to his knowledge. Soon the class came to an end as me and Professor Kettleburn came up to Hagrid.

"A deals a deal, let's go visit the magical creature reserve Hagrid, you'll like it".

I told him as Professor Kettleburn agreed with me and we escorted Hagrid to the reserve that isn't far from the class.

Once we got there, he became amazed by the magical creatures living on the reserve.


"Yeah, amazing ain't it?, Professor Kettleburn has taken his class here very often to study the creatures here".

I told Hagrid as I escorted him around the reserve with Professor Kettleburn. We reached up to a herd of unicorns and pegasus as they were trotting around.

Soon a fully grown unicorn came over to us but stood infront of me. The foal is a female and she nuzzled my hand as I rubbed the back of her head.

"Awe, it seems she likes you Harper".

"Why thank you Professor Kettleburn, now come with me Hagrid, I left the best for last".

I told him as the unicorn soon left us as I escorted Hagrid out of the reserve with Professor Kettleburn.

We soon made it back to the magical creatures class as I found my mother's trunk sitting on a bench under a shelter. I grabbed it, switched it to the outside fields, placed it on the ground and opened the trunk.

"Okay, follow me down when you can, this compartment trunk can fit anyone so you'll be able to fit in Hagrid".

I assured him as I climbed down the ladder of my trunk as I had landed myself in a feild. Professor Kettleburn followed behind as Hagrid came down last.

"Wow Harper, this is nice".

"Why thank you Hagrid but that's not the surprise".

I told him as I then called out to Fluffy. Fluffy came trotting towards us as he stopped infront of us. I looked to Hagrid to see he was in shock as tears left his eyes and gone down his cheeks.

"So Hagrid, as you can see, Fluffy is in my care. Dont worry, I can look after him so he's been safe here the whole time".

I told Hagrid as Fluffy nuzzled the side of my shoulder, I pat his heads as they started to lick me.

"Harper how?".

"Well, I found him in the third floor corridor and you aren't normally suppose to keep him in a cramped room. That's what will upset him to the bitter core, especially when he's barely being fed twice his size".

I explained as Hagrid came up to Fluffy and put his hands on the dogs middle head as he didn't bite. He just looked at Hagrid curiously.

"Thank you Harper for looking after Fluffy way more than I can".

"Oh you don't have to thank me, I just care about him is all. If you want, I can tutor you in magical creatures with Professor Kettleburn and you may visit Fluffy since he's always in here".

I offered up as he had a smile form on his face and nodded.

"I'd like that, thank you Harper, your as kind as your mother".

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