Chapter Thirty-Three:Showcasing Ace To MACUSA.

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John's POV.

After going through my vault, me, Sirius and Harper had left the vault and the bank entirely. We collected our stuff on our way out and made our way to the ministry.

"Where are we going dad?".

Harper asked as we were walking through the streets and made it back to where we started. I just need to meet up with Drake and he will take us down to the MACUSA headquarters.

"Well Harper, remember the mission that sent me to Britain?. Well I need to inform the ministry that Ace, your familiar is under control".

I told her as we entered Drakes office, he seemed to be on a coffee break because he's not at his desk. I looked around and found him, indeed, filling up his 'Best Worker Of The Year' mug with coffee.

"Hey Drake, can you take us down to MUCASA please?, they would want to talk to me about the information about the nundu".

I told him as he turned around and started to drink his coffee. He held up a index finger, telling us to wait as he finished drinking his coffee.

"Sure, infact they asked for your audience when they heard from me that your here".

Just like that, he guided me to a sort of broom closet but I know it wasn't a broom closet. I came into the closet with Harper and Sirius as they squished in the cramped space.

"Alright, hold on tight because we are going to go twenty ft down".

"Wait what?".

Drake pushed onto a button in the wall as it felt like an elevator ride that took us down at fast speeds. It felt like apparation but way faster than that. Harper and Sirius screamed as me and Drake stayed calm because we know it only lasts a few seconds.

Soon it stopped as the broom closet opened to reveal the opening to the ministry, Drake stepped out first with me following behind.

"Alright newbies, welcome to MACUSA, aka the Magical Congress of the United States of America".

Drake introduced as Harper and Sirius came out of the closet all winded and dizzy.

"Dont worry, you'll get use to it".

"You guys have your ministry near the setpoint?!".

Sirius asked in disbelief as I chuckled. Drake let out a laugh of amusement.

"Yep, pretty smart isn't it?, no one can get in here or find it unless if you work here like me and John or escorted in here by anyone that works here. Pretty hard to get in and get out as well, you should try breaking into the Unspeakable department. It's pretty impossible".

Drake added in as I nodded and we began walking as Sirius and Harper followed us.

"So anyways John, how is Britain?, I have been meaning to travel there on my holidays with my girl".

"Well, Britain is alright I suppose, even though the Wizarding world over there is out of date".

I told Drake as he nodded in interest.

"Ah, so they still care about no maj over there ruining their Wizarding world?".

"Yeah but so far they are starting to drop the blood supremecy crap because of me so I'll say they are doing better than before".

I explained as he hummed, Sirius butted in.

"Uhm excuse me Drake but what do you do with the muggles here?, do you guys have muggleborns?".

Sirius asked as Drake had a confused look on his face, I informed him on the term muggles.

"Muggles are no maj and muggleborns are a no maj with a magical potential. That's what they call the no maj in Britain".

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