Chapter Six:Meeting The Malfoys.

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Narrators POV.

It's been nine months since Harper had taken up the offer of learning from both magical races and John had taken up the magical guardianship for Harper. She started off by learning the Wizarding world from John's knowledge, even though he was struggling with the whole concept. Harper only learned half of the portion through John by doing theory of all magic and studying history of the Wizarding world.

Meanwhile Ragnok had showed her to the libraries of the founders, the goblin libraries he kept hidden from wizards or witches and the vaults she had access too. Harper was amazed by all of the knowledge presented to her but not as much as the vaults that held value to her heart.

She visited the Potter vault first and encountered a Sphinx decorated in rubies and gold. Ace and Ragnok was there while John stayed behind on the surface to owl someone to help him with his teachings. The Potter vault was at dragon level, Harper took note of that. She and Ragnok encountered a Sphinx sitting infront of the Potter vault. A very beautiful Sphinx decorated in rubies and gold as it took the shape of a blue eyed black cat. The Sphinx sat there bored, it was until the Sphinx saw Harper did its mood changed.

"H-hello there".

"Hm, what's your name young child?".

The Sphinx asked as Harper smiled happily at the Sphinx. To Harper, the Sphinx is a cute creature she has ever seen.

"My names Harper Potter, who may you be?".

"My name is Ruby, now I will ask you a question, if you answer correctly, I'll let you pass into the vault".

Harper became worried but excited to hear what Ruby had to ask.

"Ask away Ruby".

"What is your familiar's name?".

Harper remembered what a familiar is and she soon learned from talking to Ace using multispeech that he had claimed her as his familiar. Harper smiled at the easy question presented to her.

"His name is Ace".

"You may pass".

The Sphinx stood up from its spot and moved out of the way, Ragnok chuckled as Ace grunted in annoyance. Ragnok had used his goblin magic to open up the vault.

Harper had asked Ragnok during her learning of goblin history if she can go down and visit her parents vault. Ragnok had reluctantly agreed to it. Besides, he is the only one who has access to the Potter vault on behalf of Harper's parents. Infact, he could open all of the vaults in Gringotts without permission if he wanted too.

"Thank you Ruby".

Harper thanked as the Sphinx nodded, a smile had been plastered on its face as the vault door opened.

"Ruby is usually kind with the Potters, if it were someone else, she would ask a complicated question and it will be proven impossible to answer".

Ragnok explained as Harper nodded but felt her eyes widen at the amount of stacks of galleons, sickles and knuts in the massive vault. Not to mention that the vault had about three large rooms that'll take her to different areas.

Harper looked around and she felt herself eyeing a trunk made of dark mahogany and had golden designs and writing saying 'Lilys Trunk'. Right next to the trunk is a crimson grimore that says 'The Potter Grimore'.

"Can I take the grimore and the trunk with me?".

Harper asked as Ragnok nodded, who was he to tell Harper no to what she can take out of her family's vault?.

"Okay but maybe we should examine the trunk first".

Harper nodded as she eagerly opened the trunk, the trunk had hummed and vibrated at Harpers touch as it opened for her. Ragnok came next to Harper, same as Ace as they looked down to see nothing at the bottom of the trunk but a ladder.

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