Chapter Twenty-Nine:End Of First Year Of Hogwarts.

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Harpers POV.

I woke up on the day of the end of first year or Hogwarts. I gotta say, this year has been crazy but I did enjoy it, especially the end of year exams. I'm sure I had passed my year along with my friends as I had helped tutoring them to the end.

Ace seemed happy to be going home because he's awake before I was and he pulled the covers off my bed.

"Good morning my familiar, excited to leave today?".

I nodded as I sat up, the girls were still sleeping but I can see them start to stir awake in their pace. I got out of bed, grabbed my clothes, towel, hair brush, hair ties and clips. Once I've got what I needed, I walked to the showers that are attached to the girls dorms.

The bathrooms floors and roof are tiles of aquamarine and ocean blue with a golden creature of a grindylow acting as the bathrooms light. The curtains to the windows are dark blue with a sink that holds a mirror with a golden merperson on the side brushing its hair. There is a bath tub, a toilet, a circular shower in the corner with cloud designs engraved on the glass.

I took my clothes off, placed the towel on the stand next to the shower. I placed the hair brushes and pins on the since as I head into the shower. I turned the golden knobs to make the water warm as the water sprinkled out of the shower head and hit my light skin. I let the water soak my skin and hair until I turn the shower knobs off.

I got out of the shower, grabbed the towel and wrapped it around my body. I looked in the mirror on the sink to see me, my skin seems to be glowing in the mirror as I began to brush my hair with my hair brush. After I brushed my hair, I began to tie my hair up in a waterfall braid as I tied the final knot with a white bow. I put my clothes on as I soon left the bathroom.

By the time I got out with my uniform on, the girls had all woken up and Padma came up to me with a towel and a fresh pairs of clothes in her hands.

"Morning Harper, excited for today?".

"Yes Padma, I'm excited to return home to my dad's, what about you?".

Padma only nodded as she went passed me and entered the bathroom, Sebastian had coiled himself at the edge of the bed and hissed out to me.

$"Good morning my mistress, I hope you had a good sleep"$.

I hummed as I reached out for him as he slithered onto my right arm and managed to climb up to my neck.

Soon all of the girls in my dorm had left with me as we went to the great hall together. Ace is trailing next to me as Sebastian is coiled around my neck. Alexander is safely in my pocket as me and the girls talked about our plans for the holidays.

Padma told me that her and her family are off to India for a family reunion happening over there. Lisa told me about her trip to the mountains with her family as they plan on going skiing or snow boarding. Sue told me she's going to help her family with their sheep since her family owns the seventh largest herd of sheep in the world.

All in all, the holidays are going to be fun for them. I'm not sure what I will be doing but as long as it's with my dad and godfather and my familiars. I'm sure it'll be fun.

Soon we had arrived to the great hall as we took our spots at the Ravenclaw table. There were only seniors at all four tables and all of the teachers were there at the teachers table. However, there wasn't a Dumbledore to be seen, I wonder why?........... Hehe.


Narrators POV.

Fred and George Weasley were in the hallways only two days before the end of Hogwarts. They were thinking of a prank to set up for the end of year feast on the second floor corridor.

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