Chapter Eleven:Welcome To Ravenclaw.

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Narrators POV.

Silence was all you can hear when Harper was sorted into Ravenclaw. Everyone was stunned as the house of Ravenclaw soon let out loud cheers when Harper was sorted to their house. Sebastian was currently sleeping on her neck as he didn't feel the need to wake up but Ace disappeared ages ago.

"We got Harper Potter!".

Harper got off the chair, gave the hat to a stunned Professor McGonagall and left for the Ravenclaw table. Some of the students made room for her as she recieved hand shakes from every student on that table.

On the teachers table, Albus was shocked at Harpers sorting. He thought she would end up in Gryffindor like her parents. That way Ron and Hermione would have an easier chance of befriending her. Turns out his plan failed when she was sorted into Ravenclaw. He knows Ron won't make it into Ravenclaw and he told Hermione that she would be sorted to Gryffindor. Everything is going wrong for him and he hated that very much.

Filius Flitwick was beaming in excitement, he taught Harpers parents Charms and they became excellent students he has ever taught. He was very excited to teach Harper everything he taught to her parents during class time. Who knows, maybe he can tell her about her parents in free time.

Severus Snape was shocked beyond belief. Whenever he visited Malfoy manner to teach Draco potions. Draco would be happy and telling him that he has a godsister and that he will like her. Of course Snape would like to meet her but Draco said that she never comes when he's around and if he does. She will be with Narcissa studying traditions of the Wizarding world. Snape knows not to interrupt anything involving Narcissa so he decided to wait till Hogwarts since Draco said she's coming to Hogwarts. Last time he talked with Draco, he said that his godsisters name is Harper. Now he's certain that the girl who has been sorted to Ravenclaw is his deceased love's child, Harper Potter. She looked so much like Lily, he knew that from Dracos description that she had inherited everything about Lily. Except she was great in quidditch, she inherited that from her father. Snape decided to protect Harper as much as he can from the side lines.

Soon the sorting had resumed, Padma had joined Ravenclaw table. There were a few Ravenclaws that were sorted into Ravenclaw that Harper didn't know their names but greeted them notheless.

"I will like to make an announcement".

Albus recovered from the after shock as he stood up, gaining every students attention as he raised his hands.

"First off, the third floor corridor is out of bounds to those who do not wish to die a most painful death. Second, the forbidden forest is out of bounds so keep away from the forest. Lastly, I wish a good year for first years, the best for the fifth years and a great year for seventh years".

Albus Dumbledore started, making everyone hum and curious at his words as he then waved his hands.

"Now, let the feast begin".

Soon the foods have appeared on the tables as Harper became surprised by the food that appeared before her and Padmas eyes. Soon, they began to put their foods on their plates as Harper noticed that Ace is missing. She looked around warily until she sighed, she will find him later or he will find her later.

"Is something the matter Harper?".

"Oh, I think I lost my cat Ace, don't worry, he'll come back later".

Harper assured Padma as she started digging into her food quite happily.

Meanwhile at the Gryffindors table. Nevile was having a pleasant conversation with Seamus and Dean but soon overheard a conversation. He turned to see Ron and Hermione whispering furiously to eachother but he can hear what they were saying.

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