Chapter Twelve:Sirius Blacks Trial.

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John's POV.

I walked down the hallways to the Wizingamot meeting with Sirius Black in chains. Kingsley Shaklebolt is on the other side of him to keep him from running off. Tonight is the night where Sirius Black will get a trial infront of the Wizingamot. Me and Amelia Bones were preparing for this case for three years together with the support of the dark and grey families.

It wasn't easy because we had to find evidence and go to where Sirius had killed thirteen muggles and Peter Pettigrew. Then at the end of the road, me and Amelia went to Azkaban and questioned Sirius to find out he's truly innocent. So with a bit of planning and permission from the minister of magic for the next Wizingamot meeting. We have gotten Sirius a trial.

So we made it here, where Sirius is escorted by me and Kingsley to the Wizingamot meeting. Amelia went to notify the dark and grey families to lend their support to us incase if something were to happen that didn't go according to plan.

Kingsley opened the double doors that lead to the Wizingamot as I escorted Sirius to the middle of the room. Every family from light, grey and dark are here in their sections. I made Sirius sit in the single chair as I cuffed him in the chair to make sure he doesn't escape. I can see Amelia sitting infront of a desk that is a couple of feet infront of Sirius. Then there is the minister, Cornelius Fudge sitting in the middle, making him important. There was an extra seat but it was empty, that spot is occupied for the Mugwump Supreme.

"Alright, before the meeting begins, we have a trial to go through that is heavily requested by Amelia, John, the dark and grey section. Sirius Orion Black the third. You have been summoned to the Wizingamot from Azkaban on the date of Setember first 1991. How do you plead?".

I stood next to Amelia as I see that she has everything to clear Sirius Black's name.

"Not guilty".

"Alright then, John Woods, will you give Sirius Black the vitaserum so we can start this procedure".

I nodded as Amelia handed me the vitaserum and I approached Sirius Black. I made him drink the serum as he willingly drank it down.

"Okay, what's your name?".

"Sirius Orion Black".

"When were you born?".

"3rd of November 1959".

After testing the vitaserum to be working effectively, Amelia was called to question him. We know the questions, we just need the answers from Sirius.

"Did you betray the Potters the night on October 31st 1981?".


"Were you their secret keeper?".


A few families started whispering to eachother as I had a smile. Harper is right about her feeling that Sirius would never do such a thing.

"Who was the secret keeper of the Potters?".

"Peter Pettigrew".

The light section gasped in shock as the grey and dark remained neutral. It is because me and Amelia worked with them that we shared some of the evidence with them.

"Did you kill the thirteen muggles and Peter Pettigrew?".


"Who killed the muggles and Peter Pettigrew?".

"Peter Pettigrew, he faked his death".

The whole audience gasped as I noticed Fudges eyes had widened.

"How did Peter Pettigrew fake his death?".

"He is an unregistered animagus like me, he cut his finger and turned into a rat while blowing up the street. It killed the thirteen muggles off".

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