Chapter Thirty-Four:Finding The Horned Serpant In The Amazon.

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Narrators POV.

After that meeting with the minister, John, Harper, Ace and Sirius had left MACUSA as they made their way to a floo network at the setpoint. John payed for the use of floo powder as he used it to ignite Harper, Sirius, himself and Ace to another magical community in America.

"So John, do you often hunt magical creatures?".

"Yes Sirius, I study their movements and their tactics first and then I capture them. As you can see, most of the time I get off with no limbs".

John put his arms in a shrug posture as he explored his surroundings they had stepped out of. They appeared in Brazil, Manaes in another setpoint and in the heart of another magical community. They exited the floo network as John greeted another American ministry worker.

"Hello Maddie, how have you been?".

John asked as the American ministry worker looked up at John in surprise. Her short hair is a dark brunette that is easily mistaken for black, her eyes a blue as her skin is a soft brown color. She greeted John.

"Hello John, I haven't seen you for three years, where have you been?".

"You know, doing missions for the magical world, anyways, do you know where the docks are to the Amazon rainforest?. We need to go in there".

Maddies eyes widened when John asked to go in the Amazon rainforest. She shook her head sideways.

"I'm sorry John but going into the Amazon Rainforest is closed for today, a lot of accidents had happened today and it's not even lunch yet".

Maddie told John as he frowned, he, Harper and Sirius needed to go in the forest or else they'll lose track of the horned serpant.

"Come on Maddie, we need to get in there right now or else we will lose track of the horned serpant".

John begged as Maddie looked up at John, she had a thought for a moment.

"Okay, fine, I know your capable enough to protect yourself but atleast leave the little girl with me. I don't want her to get hurt".

John frowned, he understood Maddies concerns but Harper can look after herself just fine.

"Okay Maddie, that's where I have to disagree with you, this little girl can talk to animals and other magical creatures. She even has a nundu for her familiar, now please tell us the directions to the Amazon rainforest docks please".

John begged again as Maddie felt uncomfortable when John begged for her cooperation.

"Okay okay, please don't beg, you know how well it makes me uncomfortable John. Now just go outside and take a left, you should find the sight of the river. There's no tour boats today so best to take the row boat. Good luck".

John cheered as he thanked Maddie and left with Harper and Sirius. Sirius raised an eyebrow.

"Did you really have to beg?".

"Yeah, I know how uncomfortable begging makes her that it'll make her agree. She's sorta like Amelia but maybe less strict than her".

John told Sirius as he, Sirius, Harper and Ace turned to the left and indeed they see a river side.

They wondered towards the riverside and true to Maddies words, there's a singular wooden row boat fit for three passengers. In the row boat is two paddles made out of dark oak wood.

"Right, hop in and let's go on a tour down the river of the Amazon Rainforest".

Harpers POV.

I sat in the middle of the row boat as the boat was down the river. Dad is infront of me as Padfoot is behind me. They both have the paddles in their hands as they were rowing through the river. It woke up Sebastian and Alexander as Ace is sitting on my lap.

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