Chapter Five:An Audience With Ragnok.

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John's POV.

I watched Bill Weasley scan Harper at her scar area where the curse is. While I kept an eye on Harper and Bill, I looked at the file I forgot to read a while ago and it was withdrawals done to Harper's trustfund vault. I was furious with the amount of money and stuff being transferred out of her vault.

Withdrawal 1000 galleons from Potter Trustfund vault to Albus Dumbledores vault.

Withdrawal 1000 galleons from Potter Trustfund vault to Molly Weasleys vault.

Withdrawal 1000 galleons from Potter Trustfund vault to Order Of The Phoenix.

Withdrawal 1000 galleons from Potter Trustfund vault to Ronald Weasley vault.

Withdrawal 1000 galleons from Potter Trustfund vault to Ginerva Weasley vault.

Withdrawal 1000 galleons from Potter Trustfund vault to Hermione Granger vault.

Items removed:

- An invisibility cloak.

- The Murauders Map.

- Helga Hufflepuffs cup.

- Godrick Gryffindors sword.

- Salazars Slytherins Locket.

- Rowena Ravenclaws Diadem.

- A few books of Potter history and family tree.

- Limited Edition Quidditch Brooms.

- Potter Utensils.

- Potter throne.

I'm going to have to find Orgnian and ask him if he can return everything to Harper and her Potter vault.

Just as I was going to turn a page, I heard a scream, making me look up quick as I saw something disgusting come out of her scar. Bill was using his wand to pull the curse out as the black stuff was oozing out like a pus worm wiggling out of the ground. Once he got it all out, he levitate the substance into glass bottle as he glared at it.

"What was it?".

"It's a horcrux, I don't know much about horcruxs but I do know that a horcrux is the most foulest thing for a witch or wizard to preform on themselves".

Bill explained, making me grimace as I saw Harper collapse on the bed. I rushed to her side, putting the papers in my pocket as I rubbed her head. The nundu was there, rubbing it's head against Harpers cheek in comfort.

"Hang on, let me put some salve on her scar".

I watched as he opened a lid to a vial of a creamy green mint color liquid. He placed only a little bit on his index finger as he poked Harpers scar area. He started rubbing it in as suddenly the scar had disappeared. Harper woke up as she took off the glasses I brought for her ages ago.

"I feel so much better, thank you Mr. Bill".

"It's no problem Miss Potter, I'm glad I got rid of that nasty soul peice in there that didn't belong to you".

Bill concluded, suddenly the door to Bills office was opened to reveal Orgnian and he looked like he ran a mile. He was huffing and puffing as he regained his composure.

"Mr. Woods, Director Ragnok requested an audience with you and Harper".

I was surprised but Bill seemed shocked and Harper is confused but exhausted so I brought her in my embrace.

"Okay, lead the way Master Orgnian".

I told as the nundu got up and followed me, Harper and Orgnian out of Bills office and down the hallways.

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