Chapter Twenty One:Sirius Meets Ace.

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Narrators POV.

Harper, Sirius and John had made it back to John's home. Sirius couldn't stop smiling when he saw his goddaughter healthy and cheerful. He is certainly happy and proud to see her lively and happy. His respects for John had increased over the two months he spent with him. He liked him, John reminded him so much of both James and Remus but John had a happy aura whenever you're around him. It's hard to stay upset around John because he makes everything brighter.

"Welcome back home Harper, how is Hedwig and her phenies?".

John asked as he walked into the kitchen, Harper smiled as she placed her mother's trunk down on the ground. Sirius immediately recognized it.

"That's your mothers trunk pup, how did you get it?, I thought she placed it in the Potter vault when they- ehm".

Sirius had to pause when he was going to mention how Harpers parents had disappeared but she told him.

"Went into hiding?, yeah, don't worry, Ragnok and Orgnian told me about it. I asked Ragnok what he knew about my parents and he said that he knew them very well. He took me down to the Potter vault and we were met by a friendly sphinx named Ruby. She's very kind and she asked me a question and I told her the answer-".

Harper began telling her tale to Sirius as he nodded and sat on the couch with her. The more he listened to Harpers detailed story, the more he felt grateful for John for stepping in and taking care of his goddaughter.

If Lily and James were alive still, they would be thanking him for taking care of their daughter. Yet if they were still alive then John and Harper wouldn't have met. Soon Sirius decided to ask the question he's been pondering about, ever since he was taken in by John.

"Pup, who is Ace?, just John's mentioned Ace a few times".

John had came back in the living room with two cups of teas for both him and Sirius in both hands. Meanwhile a plate full of cookies and a cup of hot cocoa is floating behind him. He heard Sirius's question and sighed.

"Yeah Sirius, Ace is- well he's not what your expecting him to be".

John told Sirius as he placed the two cups of tea on the coffee table followed by a cup of cocoa and a plate of cookies. Sirius looked at him in confusion as Harper nodded.

"Yeah, let me go get him but first say hello to one of my familiars Sebastian".

Harper told Sirius as Sebastian revealed himself wrapped around her neck like a scarf. He hissed out a greeting as Sirius jumped. John chuckled.

"Don't worry Sirius, I've been there before. Sebastian came in my house in the morning on the day she left for Hogwarts. I was surprised but I didn't mind because Harper has it under control".

John told Sirius as he stared at Sebastian, who flicked his tongue on the tip of Sirius's nose. He chuckled as Harper opened her mother's trunk and climbed in.

"How many familiars does she have?".

"Oh so far only three, Hedwig, you've met her, Sebastian you've just met and Ace. I'm not sure about Fluffy but I think he's going to fall into one of Harpers familiars soon".

John told Sirius as he grabbed a cup of tea with his hands and drank it down. John did the same as he hummed down his sweet tea. Soon Harper came out of the trunk with a cat sized nundu. That freaked Sirius out as he jumped at the back of the couch and stepped a few feet away from the couch.

"Sirius Orion Black, meet Ace, the nundu that you should be thanking for leading me to Harper".

John introduced as he giggled, Harper came out of the trunk with Ace in her hands and placed him on the floor. Ace grew to his nundu size as he climbed on the four seated couch and stole Sirius's spot.

"Is t-that really a n-nundu?".

Sirius asked as Harper nodded, John playfully glared at Ace, who snorted at John's glare.

"Yeah, this lazy cat was the reason why I left America in the first place. Remember my job as a Magizoologist?".

John asked as Sirius nodded, slowly started to approach the couch as Harper took a seat next to Ace. He raised his head up for Harper to sit down as she obliged and he rested his head on Harpers thighs as she began to rub his head.

"I tracked this cat down in the disguise of a police officer all the way in Britain. I soon found out he had burn down the Dursleys home by breathing gas on flaming bacon. That's when I met Harper and I figured out she was abused so I took her in".

John told Sirius as his eyes widened in shock and he looked at Ace with shock. Soon his shock turned into awe.

"So yeah, if it wasn't for Ace, I wouldn't have found her. If I hadn't of found her-, I don't want to think about it, let's not think about that".

John told Sirius as he finally sat down on the couch next to John. He looked at the cat with a small smile on his face, a genuine, thankful smile to Ace.

"Thank you Ace, thank you for saving my goddaughter. I am very grateful for what you've done and I don't know how I can repay you".

Sirius thanked as Aces eyes looked up at Sirius and let out a mewl, wearing a prideful look on his face.

"Ace said it wasn't any problem. He said he liked me for caring a lot about him and he hated how I was treated".

Harper relayed the information to Sirius as he nodded and reached out to scratch the back of Aces ears. At first he got nervous but Ace leaned into his hand and waited for him to scratch his ears. Sirius scratched his ears as Ace purred. John rolled his eyes.

"Ace is going to develop an ego bigger than his laziness".

Ace growled at John as he glared at John, who put his hands up to surrender.

"I was only joking, please don't gas me".

John told Ace as Ace stood up on all fours, making Sirius retreat his hand as Ace started breathing gas. Sirius held his breathe and covered his mouth and nose to not inhale the gas.

"Oh no not this again!".

John immediately stood up and ran outside with Ace trailing behind him with poisonous gas. Harper giggled as Sirius raised an eyebrow while uncovering his mouth.

"Is this normal pup?".

"Yeah, Ace likes chasing dad around, maybe because dad can't capture him since he's my familiar".

Harper explained as Sirius let out a laugh. He knows that Harper likes calling John dad and he can't blame her. He would want John to be his own brother and he would happily declare it to the whole world if he got that chance.

Sirius soon transformed into a black dog. Harper grinned as she scratched the back of Sirius's ears.

"Awe your so cute Paddy!".

Harper told Sirius as he barked and went after Ace and John outside in the backyard full of cold snow.

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