Chapter Twenty:Yule Time.

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Harpers POV.

After that visit, Professor McGonagall was made headmistress since Dumbledore was taken into custody. Infact it's been two months since that happened and he hasn't came back yet.

Hermione had left me alone completely, which is a relief as I got to spend time with my friends in peace. Well maybe not Ron but I'm glad I befriended Fred and George and they didn't like what Ron is doing. They would usually take him away when they see him bothering me or my friends.

Anyways, today is the day where I can go home to my dad and godfather. I had everything packed up since yesterday because I'm that excited. I moved Ace and Sebastian in my trunk so they won't face the cold outside. My friends/dorm mates are packing up for the Yule as I chatted and helped them pack up.

Soon we got everything and we descended out of the dorm. I see all of the seniors of Ravenclaw here with Professor Flitwick as I see our male first years follow behind us.

"This is everyone that's going home for Yule?".

Professor Flitwick asked as all of us called out yes. I stood in between to Padma and Sue.

"Okay, now I wish you all a safe Yule when all of you go home and remember fifth and sixth years, you've got Owls and Newts starting soon next term so study up. Otherwise have fun and enjoy your Yule".

Professor Flitwick announced as us first, seconds, thirds, fourths and seventh years cheered. We all started to leave through the door as we descended down the steps of the great staircase.

We are all outside, it started snowing as we took the carriages that lead us to the train station. I sat in a carrage with Padma, Sue and Lisa as we chatted excitedly about Yule.

"I can't wait to celebrate Yule with my parents and my sister".

Padma started off as everyone agreed. I agreed as well, I can't wait to see my godfather and my dad.

Afterwards, we made it to the train station and regrouped with Terry, Mandy, Anthony, Micheal, Isobel. Then we meet up with Nevile, Parvati, Lavender, Dean, Seamus that grouped up with us. Then there's Susan, Hannah, Ernie, Justin that later joined us. Lastly is my godbrother Draco, Vincent, Gregory, Blaise, Pansy, Daphne and Tracy.

"Hi guys, wanna go back into the Ravenclaw compartment?".

I asked as Justin, Ernie, Dean, Seamus, Pavarti, Padma and Lavender gave me a weird look.

"Sure godsister, lead the way".

That's what I did, we got on the train with our luggage and we found the Ravenclaw compartment once again. I opened the door as it vibrated and let me through.

"Welcome to the Ravenclaw compartment new friends, only friends of mine can come in. Make yourselves at home".

I introduced my new friends into the compartment as they were surprised. What surprised me is that there's more sofas and now blue bean bags in the compartment.

"Wow, this is very neat Harper".

Ernie complimented as I thanked him and moved my mother's trunk into the bedroom. I opened the trunk and climbed in to check on Ace, Sebastian, Fluffy and Hedwig.

Once I landed myself in the house, I walked outside to the backyard to see Ace running after Fluffy. Sebastian is coiled up in the ground as I see Hedwig perched up on the tree but I can see tiny heads of her phenies. Short for baby phoenix's according to the Potter grimore.

"I see everything is going smoothly".

I announced my presence as Sebastian is the first to notice, slithered towards me, then climbed up my leg and wrapped himself around my neck.

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