Chapter Thirteen:The Daily Prophet.

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Narrators POV.

Back at Hogwarts, Harper explained to the girls that Ace is not a threat to them since he is her familiar. That eased the girls nerves as they approached Ace and found him adorable. However, it was eight at night and they had to go to sleep so that's what they all did. They went to their assigned beds and went to sleep at different times.

Harper was the last to fall asleep because of Sebastian and Ace trying to get comfortable on her bed. She looked to her left side to see her mother's trunk sitting quietly on the floor. She had a smile on her face and placed her hand on the trunk.

"Goodnight Hedwig, night Ace and sleep tight Sebastian".

Harper said as she looked up at the ceiling to watch the stars, it took a moment before her eyes started to drop. Then she fell asleep to the darkness.

Harpers POV.

I woke up the next morning to see Ace sleeping at the foot of my bed and Sebastian next to my head. I sat up and see a bit of light peaking through the curtain.


I muttered out the incantation as I looked at the time appeared before me. It was five fifty in the morning. I stretched my arms as I got out of bed, grabbed my uniform and then got changed into my uniform.

After I got changed into my uniform, brushed my hair and tied it up in a waterfall braid. I grabbed my satchel and my wand, used a spell to tidy up my bed as I looked at the beds occupied by my dorm mates. I can see the girls are slowly starting to wake up as Sebastian has woken up, coiled around my arm and wrapped himself around my neck.

§"Morning Sebastian, had a good sleep?"§.

$'Indeed I did my familiar, indeed I did"$.

Sebastian told me as he then camouflaged into a blue scarf. I began to walk out of the dormitories but then see Ace following me, making me stop in my tracks.

"I don't think so Ace, I don't think the teachers will allow familiars, especially you to follow me to class".

'But I don't want to stay in the dormitories alone my familiar, I don't want to leave you alone'.

Ace told me as I sighed, I decided not to argue as I let him follow me.

"Alright but you better not misbehave Ace".

I told him as me and Ace walked to the common room with Sebastian around my neck. I looked around the Ravenclaw common room in interest as my eyes had laid themselves on the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw. I stood there, admiring her features and what she would be like if I met her.

"She's quite beautiful isn't she?".

I jumped as I looked to my side to see the ghost of Helena Ravenclaw standing next to me. I couldn't help myself but compliment her as she is a spliting image of a prettier Rowena herself in my opinion.

"Yeah but your prettier than her".

She looked at me like I was nuts but I had a genuine smile on my face. She seemed surprised by my words.

"Thats very kind of you to say that Harper Potter".

"Thank you but I really mean it, don't sell yourself short because your mother is beautiful with the most brilliant mind back then. You have so much worth, I just know it".

I said as I then see Padma walk down the stairs and waved at me.

"Hello Harper, is this your new friend?".

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