Chapter Sixteen:Hedwigs Newborns.

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Harpers POV.

A whole week has passed and I've enjoyed my classes I've spent with my professors. They seem to be impressed with my spell casting, knowledge and my dedication to help others. Well maybe not Professor Quirrel and Professor Binns since the two are scared of me. Well Professor Binns wasn't but he didn't like how I asked him to teach something else other than the Goblin wars.

Then there's the bushy haired girl I've learned her name is Hermione Granger and the orange haired boy named Ronald Weasley. They are pretty rude to be around and I avoid them most of the time but they insist on being my 'friends'. Hence is why I avoid them like they are the black plague.

Ace seemed to be having a great time going around the forbidden forest and the magical creatures reserve. One time I caught him dragging a baby acromantula out of the forest and devour its legs. I felt incredibly disgusted and lucky no one was there to see that and I was looking out the window during DADA. Later, the games keeper, Hagrid saw it and started crying over the dead acromantula.

Also I've explored all of Hogwarts with the help of Hogwarts herself and the ghosts. I found out that Hogwarts has a lot of secret passages and areas, including the kitchens.

When I first went into the kitchens, I was greeted by a huge kitchen and the house elves. The house elves looked happy to see me.

"Hello mistress of Hogwarts, what may the house elves be serving you today?".

"Mistress?, please call me Harper, I like it when everyone treats me equally".

I told them as they started to cry, which made me worried.

"I'm sorry if I offended you, please don't cry".

"Missy Potter is so kind!, Hogwartsy has chosen the right mistress".

I ended up hugging all of the house elves as that seem to make them stop crying. I sighed in relief as I let go of them.

"Okay so I've got a request, can one of you make bacon for my familiar Hedwig and deliver it to her during meal times?. She is in my trunk and I need a volunteer to feed her during meal times. If someone can do that for me, I'll be very happy".

I explained my situation of Hedwig and her about to be newborns to the house elves as it seem to cause a fight among them.

"It's be an honor to help Missy Harper and her familiars newborns, I'll volunteer!".

"No pick me Missy Harper!, I'll make sure yous familiars get the best bacons there is!".

"What's going on in here?".

The house elves went silent as I turned to the wall to see the Fat Friars head peeking through the wall. He's the ghost of Hufflepuff and no doubt he checks up on the house elves every now and then.

"I'm sorry the Fat Friar. I was asking if one of the house elves would be so kind as to deliver some food to my familiar and her about to be newborns during meal times".

I explained my situation to the Fat Friar as he nodded, now floating infront of me as he had a thinking face on.

"Do you have any suggestions on who I should pick to feed my familiar and her newborns?".

"Hmm, you pose an interesting responsibility for a house elf to take. Feeding a Phoenix is uncalled for since they don't need to eat anything according to my knowledge".

The Fat Friar lend in his perspective as I understood what he meant. Phoenixs are incredibly rare to the point where not much is known about them. Then I remembered something.

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