Chapter Eight:A White Phoenix.

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Harpers POV.

After I has claimed my heirships and put the rings on, I saw the rings merge into one. The founders rings merged into the Hogwarts crest. Emrys, Merlin and the Pendragon rings had merged together to create two dual swords and a staff in between. Then there's the Potter and Evans ring, who merged together to make a Potter crest with Greece leaves surrounding the P.

"Whoa, that's so neat".

"Those are your lady rings, some of those positions like the Black's are already taken".

Ragnok explained as I felt my smile turn to a frown.

"Do you guys have any luck on getting my godfather a trial?".

"Sort of, I had contacted the department of magical law enforcement and she is interested in the case. She is coming to meet us later on today and we will need your positions and Johns guardianship to help us with the case".

I nodded as John hum in agreement.

"Right, thanks for alerting us Ragnok and Orgnian".

"It's no problem, I will let you guys go on your day as I know it's your birthday Harper. Oh also, you can hide your rings by telling them to hide or show themselves to who you trust the most. However, goblins can see the rings since they were made by us so be sure to reveal the rings to us when in a presence of a goblin meeting".

I felt myself smile as me and John got up from the couch and bowed down to the goblins. I commanded my rings to hide, which they did but I can feel they are still there on my right fingers.

"May your enemies cower underneath your feet".

"May your vault overflow with gold".

We bid eachother goodbye as we left the office and then Gringotts.

We walked around Diagon Alley together, soon we came across a pet shop that sells different types of animals, including owls.

"Harper, I know you have Ace as your familiar but maybe we can get you an owl so you can owl me. It's when we would write letters together and use the owl. I mean I do have an owl but I send him on missions that take ages for him to come back".

John explained as we walked into the shop together, I nodded in agreement, I'd like to write a letter to John about my sorting, I hope I get into Ravenclaw since I think outside the box most times.

The shop was massive on the inside with a lot of small enclosures and perches. Not only that, there were a few kids around my age. Some adults and a few employees helping people into choosing their familiars.

"Oh good evening there little miss and sir, you've came here for a familiar is that correct?".

We were introduced by an employee as John nodded.

"Well yeah I suppose, we are looking for an owl since she already has a familiar".

"Huh, okay then, right this way".

The employee guided us to a spiral, wooden stair case. The spiral stair case has led us up to the owl perches where all of the owls are either flying or sitting on perches.

"Here are the owls, now you have to let the owl choose you. If you do that then yay, you've got yourself a great companion that'll never leave your side. However, you must never and I mean ever take an owl by force. Just heed my warning please".

The employee warned as I nodded and walked out onto the small balcony and looked at all of the owls. All of the owls looked to be different species, barn owls, tawnies, snowy owls, long eared owls and so much more.

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