Chapter Twenty Two:Ace Saves Christmas.

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Harpers POV.

I woke up on the day of Christmas to see Ace sleeping snuggly on my right side. On my left is Sebastian as he had wrapped himself around the extra pillow that is now his pillow. I yawned as I sat up to wake up Ace.

"Go back to sleep my familiar, you can wake up later".

"No Ace, I have Christmas and an invite to Longbottom manor to go to".

I told Ace as he mewled and stretched himself out to wake up. Sebastian hissed himself awake as I sat up on the bed.

"Harper are you awake yet?".

I can hear my godfather ask at the otherside of the door as I responded.

"Yes Paddy, I'm awake".

I see the door creak open to reveal my godfather wearing a red turtleneck sweater and black pants while carrying a tray. On the tray is three plates and a cup of hot cocoa I can smell from my bed.

On the tray included a big plate with a stack of pancakes that have whipped cream, blackberry jam and melted butter on the pancakes. The medium size plate is full of bacon and the small plate is full of scrambled eggs.

"Your mother and John told me that today on the same day as Yule is Christmas for muggles. So Merry Christmas Harper. John cooked the pancakes and bacon, I've done the hot cocoa and scrambled eggs. I'm gonna have to thank John for re-teaching me how to cook during my house arrest with him".

Paddy told me as I smiled, Ace seemed to be drooling because of the smell and Sebastian had wrapped himself around my neck.

$"Tell him I said thank you, this looks delicious"$.

Sebastian hissed out as he put his nose in the scrambled eggs and started to nip into the eggs.

"Sebastian said thank you, he likes scrambled eggs".

I told my godfather as he had a smile on his face, Ace simply took the top pancakes of the stack and chewed on it.

"Does Ace like pancakes?".

"Yeah, especially dad's but don't tell dad that, Ace would chase you around the yard if you do that".

I told Paddy as he nodded but had a smile on his face notheless.

"Excited to go to Longbottom manor?".

"Yes Padfoot, I befriended Nevile when I was dropped off on the train. At first he was shy but I made him join my group of friends and he immediately fit in".

I started telling Paddy about mine and Neviles meeting as he nodded but he had a raised eye brow the whole time I talked about him. It was until I got to the part where Nevile was waiting for me outside of Potions did he interrupt me.

"Hold on, you mean to tell me that this boy got comfortable with you that he waited for you outside potions?".

"Yeah, why?".

I asked but Paddy's answer took me by surprise.

"Harper you've got yourself an admirer or maybe he's got a crush on you".

"What?- no we are just friends Padfoot!, please don't act like Tracy".

I begged but luckily dad came in. He is wearing an ugly Christmas sweater and blue jeans as he's holding a mug that says 'Best Coworker Of The Year'.

"What's happening in here?".

"John I think Harper has an admirer!".

Dad spat out his coffee as he looked at Paddy with wide eyes.

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