Chapter Thirty:Potter Manor.

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Narrators POV.

It's been a few days since Harper had returned to Sirius and John, she told them everything that happened at Hogwarts. They listened to her contently about her adventures at Hogwarts to the point where she had won the Quidditch cup.

"Great job pup, we are very proud of you and your accomplishments".

Sirius cheered as Harper giggled, she and Sirius were sitting around the table as John is cooking breakfast.

Today was the first day for Hedwig and her babies to come out of the trunk as Hedwigs children were beginning to fly. They are practicing flying in the living room as Hedwig watched them carefully incase if one crashed into the ground. Sebastian and Belle is sleeping on the couch as Ace has grown to his full size and he's close to John's leg for food to fall on the floor.

"Thanks Paddy, I had recieved a full one hundred percent on the exams this year".

"Now that's my girl".

John cheered as he flipped a pancake in the air and it landed in the pan, making Ace grumble as he stood on his back legs. He smelled the raw bacon and his mouth reached for the bacon. John noticed and his hand got in the way of Aces mouth, he hissed at John's intervention.

"No Ace, you can't eat that now".

Ace huffed as he pushed himself back on the ground and returned to Harpers side.

"So Sirius, wanna tell Harper the exciting news?".

John asked as he flipped the pancake over and put it on Sirius's plate.

"What's the news?".

"Well, me and John were thinking, on John's connections, he had managed to get three tickets for us to go to America next week".

Sirius told Harper as her eyes sparkled, along with her hair that had changed colors to yellow in excitement.


"Yep, John said that he has to make a report to their magical ministry about Ace and when he's done with that. He will tour us around America and we might find magical creatures on the way".

Soon Harpers hair had changed to light pink as she had a huge smile on her face.

"Also today, we have decided to take you to Potter manor, your ancestry home and Sirius's old home".

John informed as he flipped the pancake in the air but it was caught by one of Hedwigs children. His eyes had the look of world domination on it, which creeped John out.

"Uhm Harper, please tell me you can talk to baby phoenixs yet".

"They haven't learned to sing their songs yet, after they learn how to fly properly, maybe they'll learn their songs".

Harper explained as John looked at her in confusion.

"So that's a no I'll assume".

"Yes dad, that's a no".

Harpers POV.

After breakfast, me, my dad and my godfather got ready to head to Potter manor today. I told Hedwig, Sebastian, Bella, Alexander and Ace about going to Potter mansion. They wanted to come with me as Hedwig informed her kids about going to Potter manor. I made them all go in my mother's trunk except for Sebastian and Alezander since they are in their respective spots on me.

"Alright Harper, have you got your trunk?".

"Yes dad, I've got my trunk and I've got all of my familiars in there".

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