Chapter Four:The Removal Of All Blocks.

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Harpers POV.

"Come along Miss Potter, we will go to the cleansing chamber where another goblin is waiting for you".

I looked at John as he nodded and took Ace off my neck.

"It's alright, I trust the goblins to do nothing out of character to you, I'll wait for you here".

I took John's word for it as I followed the goblin through the halls.

"So uhm whats your name master goblin?".

I asked as it seem to take the goblin by surprise.

"Oh, my names Orgnian Miss Potter".

"You don't have to call me Miss Potter, I will be fine with it if you just call me Harper".

I said as it seemed to caught Orgnian off guard as we made it to the front of two doors. The doors are made of white marble as Orgnian pushed the doors open.

"Now, I will leave you here with the goblin healer, I will come back to get you later since this normally takes up to thirty minutes but since it's you. I think it'll take up to a full hour".

I nodded as I walked into the doorway to see a large clear prestine shallow pool. The pools water is clear as I saw the goblin Orgnian was talking about.

"Okay Miss Potter, ready for the procedure?".

John's POV.

I read through the parchments I was hiding from Harper to see it all was crimes offensive to get you through the veil.

"Just what have you been doing to this poor girl without her knowledge?".

I asked myself, looking at the signature as the nundu looked at the page I left on its seat. He had grown back to his full size and I could see full rage in its eyes.

"Listen buddy, I would like to offer you a truce for now to protect Harper against these foul people".

I told, making the nundu look at me with a snort. I mean, the reason why I had left America is to go on a mission in Britain to collect this nundu that had surprisingly escaped America. However, I seem to have stumble on a case that deserves an investigation and I'm going to be the one to investigate.

It was a surprise I ran into Britain's saivor and she wasn't anything like those rip off stories. She looked fragile and I'm glad I ran into her because of this nundu. However, I think I set off a chain of events but I don't care. I need to protect this poor child if it's the last thing I do.

"Mr. Woods, I had found some things worthy of looking into".

I turned to see the goblin had came back with a small case file and a few more papers.

"Huh, what is it?".

"It's a empty folder for Sirius Black's trial, apparently he didn't get a trial when he was thrown into Azkaban".

My eyes widened as the nundus eye had twitched. In the Americans eyes. If a person doesn't recieve a fair trial from the minister or the surpreme mugwump then a title or their position will be stripped from them.

"Okay, why not send it to Amelia Bones?, I'm sure she'd be keen on looking into the file".

"Oh that's not all we have to worry about. Albus bloody too many names Dumbledore has so many positions that he can call it false. However, Amelia is never fooled by those kinds of details so she would listen".

I nodded, then looked through more pages to find a page disturbing for me to read and it's Harpers conditions two years ago at the Dursleys.

Health - Poor due to malnourishment and close to death.

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