Chapter Fourteen:The Planning.

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Narrators POV.

Meanwhile in the headmasters office that morning. Albus Dumbledore is looking through his pencieve that replayed his memories of last night and three years ago at Privet Drive.

Last night when Dumbledore came to the Wizengamot meeting on scheduled time, he was beyond shocked to see Sirius Black there. But Sirius was getting escorted out of the meeting and he asked what happened before he came in. Of course Fudge filled him in on the details.

"You've missed out on a trial heavily requested by John Woods, Amelia Bones and the whole section of dark and grey families. Turns out Sirius Black was innocent this whole time and everyone wanted Sirius Black free of all charges. However I put him under house arrest for two months and fined him fifty galleons for not registering himself an animagus".

Dumbledore was not happy when Fudge told him about the trial he missed out on. First the Dursleys are dead, he can't get his hands on Harper that she went to Ravenclaw instead of Gryffindor and now Sirius is free from Azkaban. If Sirius finds Harper soon or finds out what happened three years ago. There's no telling what will happen when he finds Dumbledore himself but that's not all. Dumbledore found John's face to be familiar, which is why he is re-watching his memory three years ago at Privet Drive.

He finally connected the dots, John Woods is a muggleborn wizard that was working undercover as a police officer. He's got that covered, now he needs to figure out what brought John towards the Dursleys home in the first place.

In Dumbledores perspective, no witch or wizard was suppose to find Harper at Privet Drive. Especially when your a muggleborn that is an undercover officer. Wizards or witches aren't supposed to take muggle jobs after discovering the Wizarding world. That would increase the chances of breaking the statue of secrecy in the Wizarding world.

Yet John was working as an undercover officer but is still connected to the Wizarding world. Dumbledore first thought of him as an ordinary muggleborn but when he learned about John by pulling a few strings. He's found out a lot about John that doesn't make him ordinary, especially on his resume.

John is mainly working as an agent for the ICW. He can't do anything about John since he's done a lot of missions that brought success for the ICW. He's captured class five and four magical creatures single handedly without any trouble. Not to mention he is an American Auror and ranks up as an unspeakable in MACUSA. He can't deal with a foreign country like America because their system is different and they have a wide range of spells that he isn't familiar with. Lastly John has a lot of connections with the dark and grey families in the Wizarding world, some of the light families are connected to John Woods.

If something were to happen to John then there's no doubt that the dark and grey section will have Dumbledore out of the Supreme Mugwump position with a vote. The dark families aren't pleased with what he's done to the Wizarding world that they'll gladly vote him out on John's word. The Grey's would follow along in honor of John and the light won't be able to help Dumbledore.

"Albus, may I come through the fireplace please?".

Dumbledore heard the voice of Molly Weasley through his floo network. He sighed.

"Come in Molly, what do you need?".

Molly stepped into Dumbledores office as she finally spotted him.

"Okay, I need to know if my son Ron has befriended Harper by now. The goblins won't let me take anything from her trust fund vault without Harpers presence".

"I'm afraid not Molly, she was sorted into Ravenclaw. Ron wanted to go to Ravenclaw but he couldn't go to Ravenclaw and ended up in Gryffindor".

Dumbledore explained as Molly scowled at Dumbledore. Everyone can tell she is a very hot headed mother.

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