Chapter 12

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Outside the mansion Tanjiro charges at Inosuke.

Tanjiro:Knock it off!


Tanjiro punches Inosuke in the ribs. I hear two of his ribs break.

Y/N:'He broke his ribs.'


Inosuke is sent flying back.

Tanjiro:Aren't you a member of the Demon Slayer Corps?! Don't you get why Zenitsu refuses to draw his sword? It's because it's taboo for us to draw our swords on each other for no reason! But here you are, giving him a one-sided beatdown! Is that fun for you?! You're the lowest of the low!

Inosuke coughs before chuckling.

Inosuke:Hahaha... Hahahaha... Oh, so that's why? My bad. In that case, let's fight barehanded. 

Tanjiro:No! I don't think you get it at all! First...

Inosuke charges and Tanjiro. I stand in front of Tanjiro.

Y/N:You should stop before this gets messy.

He keeps running towards me causing me to sigh.

Y/N:I warned you.

I swing at him but he gets into a low stance.


Inosuke tries to kick me in the legs making me do a backflip away. When I land, he dashes at me again trying to hit my legs but I dodge and block every attack.

Y/N:'His attacks are very low. He fights like an animal. Just like the boar he is trying to impersonate. Maybe I should try the same.'

I jump back after he attacks me again. I outstretch my left leg in front of me before putting my right leg behind me and crouching down. I have my right leg facing outwards from me and leaving my left leg straight with a little bend. Finally, I put my left arm on the inside of my leg and putting my arm in the air behind me.

 Finally, I put my left arm on the inside of my leg and putting my arm in the air behind me

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Y/N:'Improvised Fighting Style:Scorpion Stance'

Inosuke:What the heck are you doing?!

Tanjiro:You two should stop! Nobody needs to get hurt!

Inosuke:Shut up you! When I'm done with him your next.

Y/N:This is my first time using this so it might be a bit wonky.

Inosuke:Let's keep fighting!

Y/N:Yes. Let's.

Inosuke charges at me again but I grab his fist and slam him into the ground. After I do that he rolls backward and quickly recovers before jumping on me. He starts twisting around my head until i grab him and throw him away.

Y/N:'He can move well with broken ribs. He must have crazy pain tolerance.'

Inosuke tries to kick me again but I dodge and kick him away. He runs at me on all fours and tries to drop kick me but I grab his legs and slam him on the ground again. When he gets up he stands up straight. I get ready to launch my attack.

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