Chapter 14

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Y/N:This might take a while.

Y/N unsheathes his sword and gets into his stance.

Moonlight:Full Moon Empowerment

Currently(3rd POV)

Y/N and the demon are having an intense stare down. Neither of them moving a single inch. Y/N is also slowly growing, as the surrounding area starts freezing. He keeps growing before finally stopping.

Y/N:Shall we?

The demon makes the first move rushing at Y/N.He sends a overhead at Y/N who dodges to the right. When he get to the demon's side, he goes for a neck slash attack. The demon recovers and blocks the strike sending the demon back slightly.



Y/N:Awesome grammar. But, go ahead and try. 

The demon rushes at Y/N faster than before and swings at Y/N without letting him dodge the attack, causing Y/N to block instead. He didn't block with his sword because he knew it would do some serious damage to it. Y/N looks down at his arm and sees that it is broken.

Y/N:Wow. You are pretty strong. I should get a bit more serious then.


The demon gets ready to attack again but Y/N beats him to it. 

Y/N:Darkness Breathing:Dark Blade.

Y/N's sword is covered in dark flames that reach all the way from his shoulder to the tip of his blade.

Y/N:Darkness Breathing:Dark Slashes

Y/N sends 5 dark slashes at the demon. Two slicing off both arms,two slicing off both.The final one goes to the demon's neck but he somehow dodges.

Y/N:Darkness Breathing:Dark Crescent

Y/N launches himself at the demon and slices in a wide upwards arc slash,causing it to go flying airborne.While it is in the air it regrows its arms.

Y/N:Blood Demon Art:Lunar Pull

Y/N pulls the demon to him before stabbing two hellfire-infused kunai in the demon's eyes.He grabs the demon's head and slams it into the ground, making the kunais do deeper in its head.The demon bounces back into the air and Y/N kicks demon in the face making it fly back. He pulls the demon back and kicks the kunai. (The gif got flagged)

While the demon is on the ground Y/N tries to finish it again.

Y/N:Flame Breathing:Blazing Universe

Y/N slashes downwards to the demon's neck but the demon recovers and grabs Y/N's foot and throws him into the waterfall. The demon's eyes are burnt and taking a long time to heal,being effectively blind. The demon tries to rub them,thinking it would help. It didn't.


Y/N recovered from the demon's attack and jumped out of the waterfall, seeing the demon struggling to see. Y/N tries to take advantage by attacking but the demon punches Y/N away making him crash into the mountain again.

Y/N:This is getting annoying.

The demon recovers from the hellflame effects and looks at Y/N.He angrily charges at Y/N and tackles him into the mountain.When they get out to the other side the demon throws Y/N into the air, following that up with a sword throw.The sword goes straight through Y/N's abdomen,making blood come out his mouth.

The demon jumps up and starts punching Y/N over and over.It grabs its sword out of Y/N.The demon starts to hit Y/N with the sword not giving him a chance of recovery. It finally ends the barrage with a overhead strike that sends Y/N down into the ground.

Y/N:*Strained Groaning*

The demon falls into the hole it sent Y/N into and starts to beat down on him.

Punch after punch after punch.

Slice after Slice.

Stomp after stomp.

Y/N was beginning to lose consciousness, energy, and power. The flames on his sword die out and the demon grabs him before he can get up himself and throws Y/N out of the hole. When Y/N lands outside he sees Susamaru.


Although struggling,Y/N talks.

Y/N:What are you doing here?

Susamaru:I wanted to help you.

Y/N:You can't.He's too strong for you.

Y/N tries to stand up but falls back down to his knees. Blood starts to pour from his mouth.He hears the demon roar before looking at Susamaru.


Susamaru:What? No!

The demon is seen running at them. 


Y/N grabs Susamaru and throws her far away,making her land at his mansion.


The demon punches Y/N with full force knocking him out cold.When it sees that Y/N isn't moving anymore it starts to laugh.

When it sees that Y/N isn't moving anymore it starts to laugh

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Demon:HAHAHA! Master will be happy and I can get more blood!

The demon grabs Y/N by his head and starts pulling it from his body.Y/N head slowly rips off as blood sprays from where it used to be.


The demon looks at Y/N's head before looking at his body.He throws Y/N's body to the ground as it lays there...dead.

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