Chapter 11 Just dance

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I sighed on my couch. It was another boring day.

I look over to Monika, who wanted to sit by me, she was adjusting her bow.

I looked over to Maki and Sanemi, who were playing uno-how did they learn how to play??? I'll ask later.

I look at Villager and Flowey, Villager was trying to water Flowey and Flowey was not having it.

"Hey-hey! Stop! Your gonna drown me!!"

I laugh at Flowey's exaggeration. Monika turned to me.

"Hey Maddie..."


"Can we play a game? Pleaseeee???"

I just couldn't say no. I nodd at her.


"Great! What game????"


I got an idea! I remember for one Christmas, my Aunt gave me a game called 'Just Dance' for the switch!

I grabbed the switch and put the game in there.

I looked over to Maki and Sanemi, it looked like Maki won, Sanemi was giving an annoyed look so it was obvious he didn't win.

I pressed it and the huge sound gained the attention of everyone else in the room.

"What are you doing?"

Maki asked as she got up and walked up to me. I smiled a little.

"Well, this is a game called 'Just Dance'. It's a dancing game!"

"You dance?"

Maki asked, I nodded.

"Yeah, it's practically my life-well-mostly. Ever since you guys got here I decided it's better to watch you guys than go to dance class, so I haven't had a chance to go back yet. So might as well play this!"

"Ooo! Can we watch you dance one day???"


I answered her. Monika cheered and clapped repeatedly. I put it on two player mode.

I handed Monika one of the controllers. She looked at it and then back at me.

"Alright, you just have to copy the movement of the person in front of us-on the screen, ok?"


"Also-the dance I'm about to do is a one player one, but you'll do it to-ok?"


I pressed one of my favorite dances-Rasputin-and it started. I've danced this one a buncha times so it should be easy!


It then began. I noticed Maki, Sanemi, and Villager-who was holding Flowey, watching us. I smiled but turned my attention back to the screen.

The dance began with a stance, three claps, back to the stance, and three more claps. This repeated a couple more times before the go down, go up.

Monika was going well, and so was I.

When the move with the going knee went up, I did good while Monika was doing...ok. She was having a difficult time adjusting.

Maki looked confused on how I could do it, and Sanemi was just confused in gerenal, Villager had a huge smile on his face-he loved it!

Then it was the jump in-jump out, it was very difficult, sorta-I'm used to it so I did well, Monika had trouble with it.

When the song was over, I laughed.

"Good job Monika!"

Monika laughs and gasps.

"Thanks! *huff* that was- *puff* fun! Ahah....I think I'm gonna take a break!"

Monika walks to the couch and falls on it. I laugh but look down due to I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Sanemi thought a little bit about the lyrics. He felt...uneasy about them.

It was Villager. He pointed to the controlled and then at himself. I looked up to see Maki holding Flowey-who was trying to get away.

I smile and look back at Villager and handed him the controlled. He beamed and instantly grabbed it.

"Which Song, Villager?"

I asked. He scrolled down the list and pointed to the one called 'High Hopes'. I thought for a moment.

"That one is a four player one..."

I turned towards Sanemi and Maki, Villager did the same with his smile. Sanemi noticed and shook his hands and head.

"Wait-no! No no no, I'm not gonna-"


Maki just put it plainly with a groan. Villager frowned....and boy was it deadly. Sanemi huffed.

"You can't make me-"

Villager then ran up to Sanemi and took his sword out of his sheth.

"Hey-you little brat! Give that-"

Villager stuck it behind his back and held out another controller with his other, having a knowing smile. Sanemi groaned


"...You know what, I can do this."

Sanemi stated coldly and took the controller. Villager smiled and turned to Maki.

Maki sighed and handed Flowey to Monika. Monika smiled as she grabbed Flowey and put him on her lap. Flowey sighed, just relieved he could get away from Maki.

I handed Maki and Sanemi some controllers. Sanemi examined it and Maki stared at it as if it was going to kill us.

Villager smiled as I pressed the dance.

"Ok, Villager, your Player 1, I'm Player 2, Sanemi, your Player 3, and Maki your the Fourth and last player."

I pointed the players from left to right. We all got crouched down in the starting position as the music played.

Soon enough, the dance ended. Villager clapped, he LOVED it-so what if he did most of the moves wrong? Sanemi did decent...not good, not bad. Maki was good.

Sanemi sighed and turned to Villager.

"Can I have my sword back now?!"

Villager gave him a thoughtful frown and shifted his eyes, landed one hand behind his back and the other on his cheek.

Then Villager looked back at Sanemi with a smile and used the hand behind his back to give the sword back.

Sanemi sighs and snatches it, putting it back in his sheath. Maki sighs and sits down.

Villager and I end up doing a couple more rounds before lunch-I wonder...

Could anyone else have fictional characters


Nah. Not possible. Welp, time to eat!

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