Chapter 42 We return to Lexa's household'

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Ender's POV

It's been two weeks since Bennetts got injured. He's better now, so I feel like it's time to text Lexa-even if it's late.

I got on my phone and began typing.

'Hey Lexa, sooo, I gotta ask, did something happen to Nagito that happened to be Super lucky? Because about two weeks a TV go my new roommate named 'Bennett' got really injured, and I know he has a bad luck curse but I don't think that he could've gotten as injured as he did in one day.'

I sent it and waited for a response.

She texted back saying that Nagito won the lottery. That makes sense-wait...Nagito won the lottery?!?! That makes a lot more sense!

She texted back saying how she was sorry about Bennett. I sighed and texted back

'Hey, it's ok! He's feeling a lot better! He's not bleeding anymore and Nahida bandaged him over the weeks and Xiangling cooked for him, and now he's mostly back at full shape!'

She texted back, asking if I got more roommates since the last time we met. I sighed and texted back.

'Yeh! I got 5 Genshin Impact characters, which are Bennett, Paimon, Xiangling, Nahida and Wanderer, and then I got Kokichi.'

She texted back and said Maki must have been mad. I nodded while texting back.

'Oh trust me, she almost killed him 8 times. I don't know if there's more while I was taking naps but I was awake for 8.'

She texted back saying how I'm not the only one who got more roommates. I became curious.

'Did you get other characters as well??? Who???'

She texted me saying how they got there while she was on a vacation. I stifled a laugh and texted back.

'Must've been hard coming back to see them home.'

She texted back saying how they seemed to know her and that Doe was so mad.

'I can imagine. He only wants your attention. Now you have a harem and you must pay attention to 8 of them. Must be very frustrating, I feel bad that you have to deal with that now.'

She texted back saying how it is and that now the brothers and Doe get into fights.

'Oh! Oh no! I sorta just wanna go over there and help you-I feel bad!'

She texted back how she felt bad for me because of my roommate getting hurt and about Maki and Kokichi. I thought for a little bit before smiling and texting back.

'I have an idea! How about we go on a spa day sometime??? It would be great to relax a little with a friend, and I'm pretty sure we have enough responsible roommates to watch over other roommates! While we go on a spa day, they can watch over each other! Especially with Nahida. Nahida was the main reason Maki calmed down and didn't kill Kokichi 5 out of the 8 times.'

She texted back how a spa day sounded wonderful, and how I should probably tell Kokichi to not lie too much because Zack hates liars. I replied.

'You know if I tell him he's gonna do it.'

She texted back how she knew he would do it regardless and that she moved to a new place! Alright!

'Ok! I'll come over and then we'll have a spa day-you go ahead and text me the address, also we should probably tell the roommates about it-especially to our new roommates.'

She texted me that it sounded like a plan and texted me the address. She also meantioned it's a little further then the old one. She also said that she had some spare rooms so we could stay with her for a little bit if we wanted. I smiled at that, Lexa's so thoughtful!

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