01 || Fear.

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song: black out days by phantogram


aurora moretto

You know that feeling when you want the ground to open and shallow you whole?

I'm feeling exactly that right now.

I'm currently working a 12 hour shift and if that couldn't get any worse, I'm in the middle of being hit on by a man that's old enough to be, not just my father but my grandfather.

"Hello?" The old ass man says, annoyed that I'm not giving him the time of day.

"Sorry, I zoned out. Is there anything I can get for you?"

I'm not at all sorry.

"Yeah, but you can't get it, it's more of you can do it for me." He answers, with a smirk that makes me actually have to hold myself from gagging.

Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew.

I'm uncomfortable.

I don't even know what to say. I'm actually speechless because I know if I open my mouth, I'll throw up all over this imbecile.

"Here, I'll give you my hotel key card so you can stop by and I'll treat you real good, babydoll. I'll be waiting" With that, he sends me a wink, sets down a 50 dollar bill and walks out.

Then, just like that, I push that weird ass encounter in the way back of my mind and continue to do what I'm paid to do.

I don't have to work for money, I work because as much as I complain about it, I love my job and it keeps me busy.

Dead mommy's money.

Shut the fuck up.

Minus getting hit on by old men, I have a lot of nice costumers and I love most of my coworkers.

I have an hour left before my shift ends.

All I can think about is my nice, soft, comfy ass bed.

Well, that was until a fine and I mean fine ass man sat himself down at the bar. He's clad in a expensive Armani suit. Not a wrinkle in sight. From where I am, I can't tell if his hair is black or just really dark brown.

"What can I get for you, sir?" I ask, walking up to him.

His hair is black.

He looks up at me. Pretty, really pretty blue eyes stare back as me. He has a scar running along his right eyebrow.

"Bourbon neat."

Oh my god, his accent.

I just came.

"Of course." I say with a small smile.

Something about this man screams power. I've met quite a few "powerful" men in my life but I've never gotten a feeling quite like I have right now.

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