07 || Just A Ruse

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song: No time to die by billie eilish


aurora moretto

I had lived 7 somewhat peaceful years without my father before he called for the first time.

7 years ago.

"Hurry up, Rori! We're gonna be late." Alice calls after me.

I don't even wanna go to this stupid ass party away but I'm going for Alice.

Just as I'm about to put on my last heel my phone rings on the other side of my bedroom.

I grab my phone and when I see the caller ID my heart stops. Panic engulfs me and my mind flashes with imagines of what occurred 7 years ago.

I hit the decline button. I can't bring myself to hear his voice. Father's don't stab their kids. That's not normal.

My phone rings again. My hands shake as I answer it. Maybe it's someone calling me to tell him he died?

"Aurora, God I'm so sorry." I hear my father sob on the other line.

I stay silent, my mind can't find the words to say.

"Babe, I don't know what happened, I can't live another day without you. I need your forgiveness."

"I-I can't do that." I whisper.

"I promise I've changed, Rori."

There's a part of me that craves my fathers love and approval, for him to to love me. To have that father-daughter bond that I've seen people have in movies. Sure, movies aren't real but maybe it's possible, maybe this is the universe giving me a chance to have a new healthy relationship with my father.

"I'll be at the address I just sent you, tomorrow, at 1. I hope you can find it in yourself to hear me out."

"Answer it."

I shake my head no, looking up to Matteo's eyes. I won't be the naive 15 year old girl again.

Matteo sighs, grabs my phone and picks it up.

"Asshat." Matteo acknowledges.

I don't hear what my father says through out the phone call just Matteos taunts in between.

Why am I scared of him? I'm older now, stronger, smarter. Why am I reacting this like? This is so fucking pathetic, its almost laughable.

"Come on, we can trace the call." Matteo breaks me out of my thoughts. He stands up, pays and ushers me up.

I knew this day was too good to be true. Somethings gonna happen, I can feel it in my bones, and its not gonna be good.

As we walk to the car Matteo tells me, "As soon as we get the location, we'll go get him. I can't promise that he'll stay alive long enough to answer your questions."

"We?" My voice shakes a little.

"You're trained, yes?" He asks, opening my door.

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