12 || Fight for Dominance

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song: perfectly wrong by shawn mendes


aurora moretto

I can't quite describe the reason there's pit in my stomach.

The night that Matteo took me out was a dream, truly. Amazing food, a handsome man, an amazing orgasm, and to top it all off, I fell asleep against a strong warm body.

The shoe dropped when I woke up nauseous, my anxiety rocket high and a pit as big as Alaska in my stomach.

That was 2 weeks ago, it hasn't disappeared.

I feel like something terrible is going to happen, something that will shatter me.

I'm not risking anything, I will not take my chances. So here I am, knocking at Sebastian and Alice's door.

I know Alice is volunteering at an animal shelter right now so it's just Sebastian at home.

"Aurora? Everything okay?" Sebastian answers the door.

"Yeah, I just need to talk to you." I give him a small smile.

He guides me to their living room, sits down and motions for me to elaborate.

"I don't wanna beat around the bush, it's not secret that your.. lifestyle? Job? Whatever you wanna call it, isn't the safest. I just need you to promise me that no matter what, you'll keep Alice safe and alive." I let out in one breath.

Sebastian furrows his brows. "I'll do anything to protect her." He says with confidence.

"Good." I nod and let out a breath. I feel so nervous and uneasy. My body can't keep out with my thoughts.

"Where is this coming from, Aurora?" I look over to Sebastian, his eyes are full of worry and concern.

"No where, just concern for my best friend." I don't want anyone to be worry about me, there's nothing wrong. It's probably just my stupid mind overthinking.

"Anxiety is a real bitch." I add.

"Right.." Sebastian trails off.

We fall into a silence. I wince when I realize I sound like manic.

I stand up to leave. I don't wanna embarrass myself further. "Sorry about this.." I let out an awkward laugh.

"Does this have something to do with your family?" I freeze when the words leave his mouth.

"We did everything we could. The damage was too severe, we're so sorry for your loss, Miss Moretto."

"That's not Alyssa anymore, Rori. You have to let go, now."

"Your father is dead."

"Aurora?" Sebastian voice breaks me out of my memories.

"I have somewhere to be, thank you for this. I'll see you later." I walk to the door.

Well, that was a shit show.

I take a long deep breath when I make it to my car. My first instinct is to grab a cigarette or the nearest bottle of alcohol but that's unhealthy.

When have you ever cared what's healthy or unhealthy?

That's not the point.

Oh my god, I'm talking to myself.

"You're just tired." I mutter to myself as I pop a couple anxiety meds in my mouth.

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