32 || The Sting Of Betrayal

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song: the great war- taylor swift


aurora moretto

If there's one thing I hate more than my father, it's school.

It's not the learning or teachers or even lectures. It's the people. The boys constantly wolf whistle at me, give my body heated looks and try to corner me in the bathroom. Or there's the boys that make pig noises while I eat my lunch, point out my stretch marks on my thighs and give me weight loss advice.

It's the total opposite of what I'm used to. I'm used to being told I'm underweight but since puberty hit, my breasts have gotten heavier, my hips filling out and my ass rounding out.

Mama says that I'm not fat or overweight, just blessed.

Santi says the boys are projecting their own insecurities onto me.

How am I blessed? I don't understand.

I can never please anyone. I'm either too skinny or too heavy.

On top of the shit I get from the boys, I get even more from the girls. I'm not an idiot, I know it's jealousy from the way they sneer at me while I walk by.

I want to tell them that they can gladly take the attention off of me, I'd prefer to be invisible. I'd gladly trade places with them. With their long legs and flat chests. Why would they be jealous of my body when their own is so beautiful?

I just wish someone would treat me as a person and not just a body. Actually try to get to know me and then maybe, I'd have friends here.

But that's not the case.

I have Alice, of course but we have zero classes together. Not even lunch.

It's an awful feeling, to feel so lonely.

Anxiety fills me just as the bell rings. Lunch time.

It's okay, don't show them they hurt you. I tell myself as I walk into the lunch hall and grab my lunch tray.

As I walk to my lunch table in the corner -passing the table of boys- the animal sounds start along with laughter.

I can feel my face heat with embarrassment and the back of my tears burn from shame. Just as I start debating dropping my tray and running out, a thump sound stops me.

"Fucking quit, you cunt." A redhead snarls at the boy who was making the pig noises. Was because now he's making a completely different animal sound. Now, he's howling in pain as he cups his nose which is pouring out blood like a faucet.

My mouth agape, I stand frozen in shock. She threw an apple at his nose."Come on." Apple thrower grips my shoulders, directing me away from the table. "Don't you ever listen to a thing they say, you're gorgeous."

I stumble over my words as she sits us down at a table in the back of the room. "W-why'd you do that?" I ask, dumbfounded. No one's ever stood up for me at school.

She shrugs like she didn't just break his nose with a fucking apple. "They were being assholes." She smiles. "I love putting assholes in their place."

I want to respond, I want to say something and not make myself out to look like a fool but before I can say anything, she does. "What's your name?" The redhead asks me with a sweet smile.

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