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1 week later ~

Jacob's PoV ~

After imprinting on Melody I began to hate myself and how I acted around Bella and tried to break rules for her. I couldn't believe how much I wanted us to be something when she never gave up on Edward, it broke me a bit after how much time she spent with me to then run back to him. Although I think I was hurt more when I heard how she spoke to Melody.

Melody was always kind to us growing up and ever helped with everything we needed Bella really has changed, I should've seen it earlier. I'm currently laying in my wolf form looking into the forest when Leah comes up to me, as we are in the forest we see the red head as well and 2 other leaches behind her and they are headed in the direction of Bella's house. Having enough of all of this especially after last night with the Cullens and Paul, I go home and change before heading to Bella's school.

Melody's PoV ~

So I dropped Isabella to school and Edward was waiting for her and as I got out my car I see Jacob he smiles when he sees me and I hug him back but I can tell he's annoyed at something. He then looks over at Edward and I stand in front of him "no trouble here" he nods.

"I see your back" Edward chuckled "he's just checking to see if your human" Jacob goes to step forward wanting the fight so I put my arm up "I'm here to warn you, if your kind comes on our land again" this catches my interest "wait what" say the reason for it then she turns to Edward confused "so you didn't tell her", "tell me what, Edward" Isabella looks at Edward and I look at Jake "there was a misunderstanding between Paul and Emmett last night" said Edward but that doesn't sit right with me.

Edward then steps up to Jacob "just leave it alone", "why so you can keep lying to her. She has a right to know she is the one the redhead wants" Isabella looks between them and I look at Jacob "go home I will come see you all later" Jacob nods then leaves ignoring Isabella as he goes. I look at Isabella to see her mad at me I roll my eyes "don't be late to class" I then walk to my class and who do I see the boy toy, everyone looks at me surprised "hi everyone I'm Melody Swan and I'll be the music teacher for a bit" I answered the many questions.

I was then asked about my musical background and I showed them my cello and violin, everyone then pointed at Edward and they wanted us to accompany each other. I shook my head and I asked them about what they were last doing and it was about nature. I smile and had everyone follow me outside, the weather was decent "listen to the wind, the leaves close your eyes and just breathe" when they close their eyes I start to walk around "I'm gonna tap you on your shoulders at different times and I want you to tell me what hear and feel"

The responses I got back was peace, air, leaves, calm some still didn't understand so I began humming and the class open their eyes and looked at me surprised. I smiled as the wind got louder and the leaves were blowing around "there are different aspects of nature guys you have the strong earth, the calm breeze, the fierce fires and the raging waters let's go back" when we get back to the class someone ask me to play what I felt. I was unsure at first but I the decide on the air and earth making use of both my cello and violin.

When I stop I look at the clock I pack up, and motion for everyone else to do the same so they can leave when the bell rings. As the class leaves I sit and think I don't actually want this to be my life especially when I feel like there's some where I need to be, I start to play my cello and just enjoy the sound when I see Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett walk in, they say nothing at first just letting me play before I had to push them to go to their classes.

I looked at my schedule and saw I didn't have another class for an hour so I began play the piano as it's been a while, I usually stick to strings and singing. While playing I hear a knock at the door, and the principal walks in and smiles at me "it's good to see you Ms Swan", "likewise sir, thank you again for hiring me" he smiled at me is it bad that I've forgotten his name. Oh well, I inform the principal that I've been called to be a musician at a ball in Rome, but it's not for another 3 months and apologize for that.

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