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I just wanted to apologize for my late updates University assignments are no joke. Hopefully I should be back on track soon and be updating my books again.

Rosalie's PoV ~

I can't do this, I can't put my child through this Bella has lost her mind. It's been 2 weeks since she transformed and she's become power hungry and Edward has allowed it to go this far, Esme has tried but her nature is to forgive Alice and Edward "it shouldn't have to go this far, okay Irina went to the Volturi but Melody can be reasonable", "Esme I hear what you are saying but when has Alice ever been wrong" okay that's it.

Emmett looked at me but he didn't stop me "Carlisle are you trying to get us killed Melody doesn't like Bella as it is, we couldn't have settle this already and Alice's gift has been wrong on many occasions. You are my family but I also have a daughter and 2 nieces to look out for" before I could continue Bella interrupts me.

"You only have one niece from me Rosalie" take a deep breath don't get annoyed. I pray to whoever will listen "Bella you have 2 daughters whether or not you wish to claim your second daughter she is still yours" she scoffed then left with Edward following her like a lost dog, he turned and glared at me. I walk out and head to who know where, I'm tired of not being heard again.

Time skip ~

The past week has been even more of a pain, I had been staying at Melody's house in the woods to get away from the power hungry trio. I was doing well hiding until more vampires were turning up and found me and my children, I had temporarily adopted Bella's daughter but I felt bad as I didn't have a name for her. Though she has had a wide range of nicknames her favourite was sunshine and flower.

"You're one of the Cullens yet you don't help them, Carlisle has been calling us to help yet you've been hiding" I growl annoyed at him I didn't know him but from his looks he belongs to the Egyptian coven, before I could say a word Alexis runs out the house. Seeing the look on his face I grew protective.

I pick up my child, then I go and get Bella's daughter and I place her on my back "hold on tight" the nodded then closed their eyes. Running back to my old home to see new and familiar vampires, saying nothing I walk over to Emmett and he takes our daughter then kisses me on the cheek.

We have conversation with our eyes and I can tell that my mate is tired, but I said nothing and just went to a corner and kept to myself.

Jacob's PoV ~

I was already over Bella and her shit, due to her not using her brain and wanting to go to war with the Volturi there's now more vampires. This cause younger boys to shift and Sam had made it my job to train them, I didn't understand it at first but Sam said that it will prepare me to be the alpha.

It made sense so I didn't fight it I train the new members and things were going well until 2 vampire came onto pack territory, this has sent the boys into a frenzy I tried to get them to relax and I went to chase the unknown vampires. I was doing well until I was tackled by what felt like a boulder.

Okay I know what the next lesson needs to be, I shake to get rid of the shock and look up into the trees to see 2 men. They obviously found this funny but I was pissed having enough of this I take myself to the Cullens, Paul meets up with me and joins me. We look at each taken aback by the smell new vamps from far and wide.

Carlisle comes out and stops me and Paul "why are there more vampires what is happening that is causing for you all to gather" I said audibly annoyed all this, Carlisle sighs "Alice had a vision that the Volturi will kills us without giving us a chance to explain" I rose my eyebrow at that.

Did they forget about my aunt and cousins, and anyway if they had created an immortal child then whatever the Volturi did to them was their own fault "she's not an immortal child you mutt" this sets Paul off so I put my hand up to stop him "I was not speaking to you Edward, and it's rude to read a person thoughts" before a fight could break out Bella and Rosalie brought out the girl in question.

Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs ~ UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now