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All languages will now be written "like this" as I'm over using Google Translate.

Previously on ~
Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs.

"Stefan even we know better to attack a pregnant woman" said Vladimir in Romanian and Stefan looked annoyed, but nodded at him "you can wait until I'm not pregnant so I can fight you with my full strength" I responded back to them both looked at me shocked and smirked "I like her she isn't afraid to say what's on her mind" I laughed and shook my head "Isiah take her away as well if she tries to escape make it hurt."

He smiled before leaving I then turned to look at the witnesses.

Now on ~
Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs.

Jasper's PoV ~

Marcus and Caius walked over to me and I could feel their hesitance especially after what the Romanians said, I looked at them and nodded "they speak the truth they mean her no harm, if anything it feels like a when Charlie and Melody sass each other" Marcus then looked back at them but he sighed in relief "there's no familiar bond, I don't think I could handle that" I chuckled then let out a full blown belly laugh when I saw Stefan and Vladimir's faces.

"Hey don't make us adopt her as a sister out of spite" Aro shook his head and Caius looked at Melody who had a smirk on her face "I mean I could always have more vampires as brother" she said with a sweet smile on her face but all I felt was mischief from her. At this Aro, Marcus and Caius shouted no "Stefan she's brilliant, my queen ignore what we said before we will listen to you" Melody smiled "thank you I might need your help one day to annoy them be ready" after she said that they both smirked.

Stefan and Vladimir turned to my ex coven and laughed "while we wanted a fight, we won't fight her" then they took with Melody shouted goodbye after them. I looked at her "what did you say to them little darlin' they never back down" she smiled at me then shrugged her shoulders before looking back at the others "there's a elemental on your side I want to meet him."

At this the Egyptian Coven freeze trying to hold back Benjamin but his emotions showed excitement, while his face was calm with a hint of fear. He walked over to Melody who then grabbed his hand "I knew it, you were an elemental before you turned, but the venom overpowered you elemental side" he looked shocked but then smiled at her "I always found it hard to use the elements, I was found and beaten by those who didn't understand me.

My coven found me and turned me saving my life but they have been protective since, as I find it hard to use the elements" Melody smiled at him, then she kissed his cheek I growled in jealousy but stopped when she looked at me "don't even, now Benjamin try using the elements that call to you the most" he tilted his head but did what she asked.

Aro's PoV ~

I watched as my mate guided the young vampire to use his gift, I always felt something was different about him but I would've never guessed this. It was nice to see my mate teach him and he listened well "all elementals even have difficulty with their natural elements it takes time and while the venom enhanced your abilities you still need practice as you can't change between them" said Melody so the earth and air around the young vampire went into his hand. He smiled "it looks like in your human years your natural elements were earth and air use this knowledge well" he nodded at her then walked back.

"Become more comfortable with those elements then try using the others" again he nodded then the Egyptian Coven left. Melody then turned to the Denali Coven looking at the informant and her mate "Laurent, treat her well I approve of her and I expect you to visit me brother" he nodded. Then Melody looked at the others "now who was saying the red coats are coming, I'm offended" this made the male hugging the electric wielding woman become a little scared.

But I respect him as he stepped forward, and he bowed "you bow yet you was ready to fight" he sighed "I fight for what I feel is right when I heard there was a child the Volturi planned to kill I joined the side I thought was right, then when I joined I met my mate and I didn't want her hurt after just finding her." Melody nodded at him "I can respect that, you can all leave there will be no fighting today. But heed this warning, The Volturi do not give second chances." She said like a true queen.

When she turned around Soleilia screamed out "mom watch out" reacting quickly Melody jumped into the sky, I started scanning to see what the danger was and I growled when it was Edward Cullen trying to attack my mate after he got out of the strong ones hold "I swear I will kill him if Melody doesn't" said the blonde one whose name I believe is Rosalie. "Edward I don't ....." but before she could continue Carlisle walked over to Edward and ripped his head off.

Everyone stood there shocked, well everyone except for Melody "okay, so you couldn't do that last time" I could tell that my queen wanted to say more, but she didn't then I looked at my old friend and I saw the pain in his eyes.  I looked at Melody and she was looking back at me "as I doctor I'm meant to save and protect but he's my son" I stopped him "Carlisle while we may no longer see eye to eye, Edward was about to harm Melody and our unborn babies. I would've killed him on the spot if he did lay his hand on her" he nodded knowing I was right.

"Let us be done with this, and hope I'm not pregnant the next time you wanna play with my emotions" Melody said then turned to walk away waiting for no one.

Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs ~ UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now