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I would like to apologize for the late update to those who didn't see the status I put up, basically there was a issue with my Wattpad app on my phone and it wouldn't show me my stories. So I found my laptop and logged in but it was wouldn't let me save the chapters I did if you know how many times I had to rewrite the drafts for each on going book.

All is fixed now I had to literally log out uninstall my app and start again. Honestly don't know I'm heading with book I wrote it as a joke never expecting it to actually get read.

Previously on ~
Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs.

Melody's PoV ~

I went to speak but she shook her head only saying not here, I nodded and then got up she ran to help me before any of my mates could so I kissed her cheek and forehead as a thank you "now darlin' why does she get special treatment" said Jasper so I looked at him and said with a smirk "because I want to give her such treatment" I then winked and walked out of the room with Leah.

Now on ~
Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs.

Leah's PoV ~

I didn't know how to feel at first I thought I would feel resentment against the babies, but I didn't especially after I heard how mom felt. The feeling was worse for the parts that I didn't understand luckily Felix translated them for me. I looked at Seth who was playing with the twins, and he saw my thoughts and smiled sadly.

After the co-pilot told us we would be landing Felix and I went to tell mom, once mom said thank you she obviously saw that I wanted to say something but I shook my head. As I couldn't bring myself to speak, so I mouthed not here and she nodded. Mom went to get up and I rushed to help her before her mates could.

Mom kissed my cheek and forehead causing Jasper to growl playfully "now darlin' why does she get special treatment" I saw mom look at him and with a smirk said "because I want to give her such treatment" she then winked at them making me gag and we walked out of the room. We both sat down with the sound of laughter behind us and it made me smile.

Mom has suffered and I know she was tired but I'm glad her imprints made it easier for her, I got lost in my thoughts just thinking over everything that has happened. I looked at Seth and him hearing my thoughts but he shook his head before I properly ask how he was, my brother was like me in ways I wish he wasn't.

While he could be better at showing how he felt Seth most the time wore his heart on his cheek, but since shifting I guess I could say he wore his heart beneath all his fur and then some. Being the youngest of his friends Seth never wanted to be seen as weak, and it didn't help that I his own sister was so far the only known female shifter according to the legends.

I let out a sigh and mom gently held my hand, the plane landed and soon we all got off the plane. There were cars waiting for us, I watched as the kings got into the first two cars before they closed the door the looked at mom and she smiled and held my hand. Even with no words spoken they knew what mom was saying and the nodded and closed the door.

Both twins were standing with Seth but mom seemed to want to speak to him too "Soleilia, Celenia can you get in the car with your fathers I want to speak to your brother Seth okay" she said to the younger two and they nodded, but while Celenia got in the car Soleilia walked over to us, she put her hand on moms cheeks and mom let out a sad sigh though she said nothing.

Mom kissed Soleilia cheek and then gently pushed her towards a car, Jackson and Liam were then next to enter a car, uncle Charlie and his imprint entered another then the last car was for Seth, mom and I. While there was space for passengers the guards and our sibling wanted to run, which I understood, though I saw Seth try and enter the forest with the older twins but mom stopped him "don't run from me Seth" mom said.

But Seth started to phase making himself to big for the car, he didn't look angry so it made me worried. However, I don't think he phased out of anger, mom looked at him with a sad smile "Felix, Jane, Alec please make sure he doesn't run from you but keep a distance let him clear his mind. Demetri be the one to direct him to the castle please" they nodded at mom.

As they headed into the forest I watched as Jane was stroking his head, I looked at mom and she smiled "he's hiding but I can't force him to open up to me or that might make it worst. So unless I see him breaking or falling I will let Seth come to me in his own time, which I am guessing is what you want to do" I stopped in my steps as I was shocked that she knew what I wanted to talk about.

Melody's Pov ~

"Leah, my sweet girl. I see how you were distant, especially after the babies were born and my birth children came back, Sam and Jacob told me enough that I knew about how you acted with the pack and don't think I don't have the trees watch over you after the passing of your mom" she looked at me with sadness in her eyes, but I held her hand and squeezed it and told her she was entitled to feel that it made her who she was, but I knew that it wouldn't be enough I knew that both Seth and Leah would need to speak because while they knew how I felt and everything that was going on with me they didn't know how the other was feeling.

And I could imagine poor Soleilia was hearing and feeling everything, and it makes me worried as I'm sure my own thoughts and emotions must've been affecting her enough as it was, not to mention her siblings and what she dealt with when she was with Isabella. Leah and I got in the car and with the space, Leah laid her head on my lap I began humming and enjoying the peace and wished it could be like this more often but I felt like it wouldn't be like that.

There was too much happening, there were people that I knew were coming. I didn't forget Yao he said his sister hid me, but who was his sister, he wanted to force a marriage on me as he wanted to be king. Honestly I hope that I won't have to see him but things never go my way.

Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs ~ UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now