27 ~ 🍋

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A bit of smut in this story, but can I just say that I can't actually write smut so bare with me. I'm trying anyway onto the story that you all love.

Time Skip ~
2 days later ~

Charlie's PoV ~

So I have been chewed out by my sister since the whole Volturi vs Cullens and witnesses thing, I can understand why she was annoyed but I had to ensure that the child would not go back to the brat known as Isabella Cullen.

Though I wasn't expecting to find out that I was someone's mate, well I did ask for what my sister had. I guess someone up there is listening to me. I had been getting to know my mate and just being around her made me ask how I could ever love Renee.

I was currently at the res when I saw everyone looking and before I could even look up to the sky, I was tackled by some object when I looked I saw it was clouded. For something made of water, they were very dense.

"Melody I'm sorry, so stop being stubborn and let me down" I shouted since I know she was close but I couldn't see her, but when I heard her giggle I became scared "okay I'll let you down big brother" I started looking around frantically but she was still nowhere to be seen.

Like the last time Melody took the clouds from under me causing me to fall and fast at that, now even though I knew she would catch me this was still scary as fuck "sister catch me already" I was finally caught and I swear to everything I had learnt my lesson.

I always knew but this definitely solidified everything don't mess with Melody Swan.

Aro's PoV ~

In these last 2 days, the pack and my coven had become a lot closer, the pack happy to see Leah and Seth and vice versa. Though the pack had missed Melody I could tell they were still fearful.

This also meant that Caius, Marcus, Jasper and I had grown closer. Especially Jasper and Caius' thought processes were similar as both are forces to be reckoned with. We all started calling each other brothers as well though I could tell Jasper was unsure at first.

Other than cussing them as my queen calls it, she had been pulling pranks and causing trouble and no one was safe. Melody had everyone on their toes and constantly looking over their shoulders.

We were watching as Melody was causing chaos, with her brother being the unlikely victim. As I was watching a different scent filled the area causing some confusion.

I looked at my brothers and they were unsure as to where the smell was coming from, that was until we heard a whimper come from our beautiful mate. Then we heard muttering coming from Melody's 4 advisors.

"We thought we had more time", "isn't it too early into the mating process", "she only just acknowledged her title with her true name" they looked at each other before pushing the blind advisor forward.

Now she was blind but she was able to see like she had her sight which confused everyone at first, "my queen we planned to tell you as we thought we had more time" Melody looked at her with annoyance in her eyes.

"Oh my gosh just tell her. My queen you are gonna start your heat and because you have all the elements it's going to be a lot stronger" the male whose body put the wolves to shame but needed a shirt made everyone's eyes widen at that but Melody was so shocked she started stuttering.

Melody then began laughing and stood up on wobbly legs, her smell was intoxicating. My brothers and I let out a thunderous growl as her scent hit us, but that only made it worse as we then smelt her arousal. Making us growl more.

She looked at us and then took a few steps back, to which we stepped forward. Only for her to take off sprinting, at first we were shocked then we snapped out of it and began chasing her.

Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs ~ UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now