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Previously on ~
Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs.

Melody's PoV ~

"My sweet child never think like that, I love you and I wish that I got to know you" I said as I pulled Jackson in for a hug "shall we burn him together" Jackson said and smiled and talked him through how to use his elements and once he had a steady fire ball we threw them at Dante and watched him burn.

Now on ~
Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs.

Aro's PoV ~

I watched as the mother and son duo burned Dante, he was lucky that it was quick but I think it was also a good way since the son he wanted to raise was the same one to be the cause of his death next to the woman he couldn't have. Then Melody's son turned and looked at my brothers and I, he tilted his head and seemed confused "okay ma who are they" she laughed and pulled him over to us "they are the vampire kings meet Aro, Marcus, Caius and Jasper." She said pointing at each of us.

We each nodded our heads when Melody said our names, Jackson didn't look convinced "they are my mates" he looked back at Melody "what like soulmates, all of them" he said scrunching his face in disgust as he looked at Melody "momma fix your face, giving them Nala eyes. Ya nasty." This made everyone laugh "naa none of you laugh I just met her and she's being nasty already, at least ease me into it first" I chuckled as I watched Melody roll her eyes at him.

"Boy keep playing with me" she yelled as she went to slap him but he dodged her "wow you getting slow momma." He said but he scream when Melody disappeared and then reappeared right in front of him, this made Caius laugh and Marcus smirk. I shook my head at their behaviour I then heard movement but I focused on my other senses and realized that it was Demetri with Harmoni but I was concerned as I smelt blood "mom" was all Harmoni said and ran over to Melody she had a few bruises and one of her wings looked broken from what I could see.

This made Melody gasp and run over to her daughter "oh my goodness, okay let me get a look at you" Melody said as she held Harmoni's face smiling to have her daughter back, Melody then looked at Demetri "where was she" my mate asked and Demetri bowed and then explained "while it was easy to find her, it was difficult to get her out, she was in a cave and she was trapped with a boulder on her wing I also smelt blood." He said my mates head snapped to look at her daughter then she used a cloud to lift Harmoni and take to I'm guessing to the water to heal her.

As they walked off Melody mumbled that she needs to teach her children how to use their other elements, we all followed behind them and watched as Melody healed the crowned princess "your majesty, let me take over" said the water advisor. Melody nodded and moved to hold Harmoni's hand "mom I'm sorry" Harmoni said sounding as if she was going to cry.

Melody's PoV ~

I looked at my daughter confused "what for" she squeezed my hand and looked at me "I was captured and I'm sure my skin reminds you off that man he told me what he did, I sucked in a breath Dante wasn't even in their lives for a day and he has already messed with their minds "Jackson and Harmoni, you are both children, you are innocent from the actions of your father. I hold nothing against you, either of you. Jackson I don't care that you look like him because you are not him" I said pulling him in for a hug and smiling at my daughter.

Jackson pulled away and I could see in his eyes that he still felt guilty, and I know it will take time for him to believe what I say and that's fine. I then heard movement behind me and I smiled "Jackson let me properly introduce you to our family" he looked at me confused "my soulmates Aro, Marcus, Caius and Jasper. They are vampires" They each bowed their heads to their names, Jackson looked at each of them then looked at me "are they treating you right" I was shocked.

Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs ~ UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now