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Previously on ~
Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs.

Melody's PoV ~

There was too much happening, there were people that I knew were coming. I didn't forget Yao he said his sister hid me, but who was his sister, he wanted to force a marriage on me as he wanted to be king. Honestly I hope that I won't have to see him but things never go my way.

Now on ~
Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs.

Jane's PoV ~

I walked with my brothers and brother in law, back to the castle as Seth was in his wolf form I was worried about him as since mother blacked out he's become more quiet. Which was shocking as since meeting Seth I have not known him to be this quiet.

Alec looked at me knowing me better than most, he knew I was worried about our brother but as he was in his wolf form there was no way for me to talk to him. I stopped walking almost lost in my thoughts, I then felt a soft nudge to my side from the heat I knew it was Seth. I smiled at him.

"My brother, I am worried about you please know we are here. Please at least let mother know of you are okay you know she will worry about us all even when we are fine" I say looking into his eyes making sure he could understand exactly how I felt and all the things I wanted to say but couldn't.

Being in his wolf form he obviously didn't respond to me, but he used his head to push me forward "Seth I know you're worried about everything and everyone but you are just as important, don't push back your feeling for the sake of others" Alec said and that's when it hit I knew what Seth was doing. He was shunning us and hiding in the shadows so that no one could notice him. He was even acting out as if everything made him mad.

As if he knew what I was now thinking Seth looked at me "Seth, you're trying to be sent back to the pack so mother has less to worry about" I said stepping back hoping I was wrong. I prayed to whoever would listen that I was wrong but when Seth looked down I knew I wasn't, both Alec and Felix looked at me and I them.

"I'm telling mother" Alec said, Seth growled at him and I was shocked "don't Seth you are my brother, and of you think I'm going to let you intentionally hurt yourself for the sake of our family then you are mistaken" I was shocked to hear Alec raise his voice like this, I was the one to shout.

But what Seth did next surprised me, he let out a long howl then took off running. I was shocked but snapped out of it when Felix ran past us to not loose him, I began running to and Alec went to run as but I told him to get mother. Alec nodded and went in the direction they were going.

Melody's PoV ~

I was in the car with Leah we were having a conversation about her and her imprint bond, it was nice to see the smile on her face. Leah was becoming more confident in herself since meeting Felix and I am thankful for how he treats her.

However, I was always looking out the window worried about my son in law and my children, Leah became quiet and looked at me "mom I sure ..." she trailed off, I looked at her with worry in my eyes then my anxiety spiked when Leah whimpered but before I could ask I heard a howl. I looked behind me out the window and told the driver to stop.

He did and I climbed out of the car, Leah paced and was shouting Seth's name. She wouldn't answer me, using the trees around me I tried to figure out what the fuck was happening. Too many things were coming back to me at once so it wasn't clear but then I saw Seth running with Felix and Jane running after him. Now I was also worried because where is Alec.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear "mother no time to explain fully but Seth is trying to run away so that no one worries about him" I snapped my head in the direction they were heading. Leah walked up to me "he's not answering me" she cried. I looked at her then to the sky's "stop him" my warriors that were hiding then took off.

I looked at Leah who was shaking and I knew she was about to phase "Liam, Leah I trust you both to bring him back home" they growled back before they took off running. I got back into the car not saying anything to my mates, I knew that it upset them but I need to be in the garden they made for me.

Telling the driver to move, I then said nothing else for the rest of the journey. When we arrived at the castle I was greeted by some lower Volturi members, I nodded to them just show that I had acknowledged them but I said nothing. I headed straight to the garden, drowning out every sound as I walked.

But I was stopped just before I got there by Marcus and Caius, I looked at them but said nothing trying to move around them. However they looked at each other and smirked, I felt a shiver run down my spine "we will deal with that attitude but for now you will speak to us and not shut us out Melody Volturi" Marcus said.

Hearing him say my name made me stand straight, I let out a sigh "I cant explain but I think Seth has hidden his emotions to the point he is breaking, and is now trying to run away. I am hoping that being in the garden I can keep track of him as I can be a part of the chase" Caius nodded probably happy that they only had to ask once.

Caius' PoV ~

I watched my mates body language and I sighed "while we understand you are worried, you also need to rest" I said she looked between me and Marcus "he is right my heart, don't make him have to tell you twice" Marcus said stopping her thought process, we then walked past Melody and she rolled her eyes as we walked past.

Marcus spanked her making Melody gasp in surprise, it made me smirk "did you really slap my ass Marcus" and my brother chuckled but said nothing else. We continued walking back to Melody's wing and she sat by the window that overlooked the gardens, I stood by the door and Marcus stood by Melody as she looked out.

"My queen what will you need for the babies let's think about that" I said and she turned to looked at me "we will need bottles for them, as well as blood bags, I can make an elemental cot for them to share. They will need toys" I looked at Marcus who smirked at me watching as our mate began muttering about all the things she needs.

But that stopped when there was a howl, all our heads shot to the window and I ran over to Melody "that's too low to be Leah, something has to be wrong" Melody said her voice showing her worry. I pulled Melody into my arms and tried to soothe her, some elemental guards and lower Volturi had gone to the garden and were ready to attack.

But then I watch them stand down and I knew the person wasn't a threat "I swear if mom doesn't kill him I will" at the sound of Leah's voice Melody calmed down slightly but I felt her shakes and her head was wizzing around I knew she was looking for her son.

Seth had finally walked out after Felix, Liam and his siblings. Still in his wolf form, Seth had looked up to the window where my mate, brother and I were all standing but he then looked away and I knew this hurt Melody.  I heard her sigh then she looked at me and I let go of my mate and watched as she ran out.

"Brother, if anything is to happen to that boy she will blame herself" Marcus said and I nodded agreeing to what he said because it's completely true. It didn't take for us to see Melody tackle Seth, once she finished hugging him she then got up and checked him over.

Melody's PoV ~

As I was checking Seth I saw that there were a few bites and scratches on him I looked at Leah and she huffed "mom he gave me as good as I did and nothing is broken" after she said that my head snapped to look at him, I sighed and walked off "come with me Seth it seems we need to talk" I said and he whined and sat on the floor.

Before I could use the elements to pick him up Liam picked up Seth as if he was a kitten, as I was turning I looked at Alec and Jane who were both hiding their emotions. I smiled at them and opened my arms and they ran into them and hugged me "once I speak with your brother come to my wing okay" they nodded and ran off I turned to Felix and he was rolling his shoulders.

"My queen I'm fine, Seth is just stronger than he looks" I chuckled and told him to go rest and I thanked him. I then walked next to Liam who was still carrying my son, I led him back to my room and saw all four of my mates standing there without the babies. I didn't get to voice my question as Jasper said "they are with your advisors and Jackson" I nodded and then moved to the side letting Liam in.

After putting Seth down, Liam walked over and nudged my leg I scratched behind his ear and thanked him for his help. Liam walked out and and headed off to who knows where I asked Leah to follow him then come back. She wanted to argue but when she saw my face and saw that it wasn't the time she huffed and followed after Liam.

Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs ~ UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now