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Melody's PoV ~

I couldn't go to the pack empty handed so I made food for them and separate dish for Billy as he kept asking me for my chicken and beef Alfredo the something easy on the stomach for Sue, once everything was made Charlie helped me load up my car and then we were off. We got to the Res and I was surprised to see Caius, Aro and Marcus there and just in their suits oo they looked sexy if they could give me kids the could take me now.

Behave Melody as Aro will eventually see that and it will be used against me, I look to Sam as he didn't trust vampires heck the whole pack didn't. Once I get out the car and my feet hit the ground I'm tackled by Seth and Leah "hey my babies where's your sister Bree" I didn't realize I said that until afterwards but they smiled and pointed to Jasper now that was a surprise the confusion must of been on my face as all they say is Sam.

I run and tackle him as I knew that this was out of his comfort zone but he still allowed them on the res and when I looked at Paul he didn't seem so agitated by them. "Sam you didn't have to do this, actually why did you do this" he laughed at me "we spoke some more after you left and we realized those 4 are your lunar hearts how could we separate you" I smile and thank him again.

Sam and I get up since I tackled him and we were on the floor, as we are talking I hear a throat clear behind us and I turn to see my mates smiling at me so I smile back and give them each a hug. We were all having a good time until we heard Isabella's loud truck Charlie looks down obviously upset, I was annoyed and the pack were shutting off. I start directing them to take all the food inside, I then look for my other children.

When I don't see them I walk over to Marcus "my king where's Jane and Alec" he smiled at me and told me they needed to feed I nodded my head and back to making sure the pack didn't eat all the food "Paul you better not be eating that food" I hear a chuckle and turn to my brother "you chuckle all you want you better get Billy and Sue, Quil go get old Quil he's not escaping this" with a chorus of yes ma'am everyone did their designated tasks.

Jacob came over to me "tell me why she's here" he shrugged his shoulders at me and I searched his eyes "she just shows up now I stopped talking to her after the party" his voice was sincere and there was no signs he was lying so I nodded my head. Isabella came over to me and had an annoyed expression in her face "what do you want Isabella..." the bi... the little girl cut me off "my name is Bella" breathe Melody that is still your brothers child.

"No your name is Isabella but you prefer Bella know the difference child" I'm already tired of her presence so I then turn to Caius and she gasped when she sees them "why are the Volturi here" I roll my eyes at her, like you couldn't be more loud "the pack and the Volturi have their own treaty" said Caius as I'm getting more and more annoyed as she talks, Isabella continues to speak but I pay her no mind until she grabbed me and pulls me now I could've easily stopped her as she's weak but I was amused at her bravery and stupidity.

She must've forgotten that they are all supernaturals so no matter how far we go they will be able to hear us "if the Volturi can be here then it should be the same for the Cullens" I had to stop and blink before I began laughing "I know what you are trying to say and I will do no such thing the Volturi and the pack make their own decisions I never asked Sam to allow vampires on to the res but he did as I'm tied to the Volturi and the pack you only have ties to Edward" she scoffed at me.

Isabella carried on trying to convince me and my answer remained the same which annoyed her "you said I'm not tied to the pack well Jacob is my friend and Edward my mate" how fucking dare she, when Jacob was here trying to help her with the depression she didn't remember Jacob and when Isabella ran to Italy after jumping off a cliff she didn't remember or care about Jacob then "you got some nerve you brat" I take a deep breath "Isabella leave you're not welcome here" I turn and walk away making a barrier using air.

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