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All languages will now be written "like this" as I'm over using Google Translate.

Previously on ~
Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs.

Melody's PoV ~

"my advisors go back to the kingdoms and deal with whatever needs to be done" they went to speak but I wanted none of it if there was slavery going on and children being abused then I would deal with it. Sooner rather than later.

Now on ~
Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs.

Melody's PoV ~

I already knew that the earth and fire kingdoms were in the worse shape, just by remembering both Koa and Junfeng's injuries and the scars left on their bodies. Just thinking of that happening to my people upset me. 

Aurora and Junfeng were the most stubborn and they both didn't want to leave me, but they knew better and I made good points. Koa didn't even question me he smirked and then looked at me after taking a few steps "can I use force my queen" I like his thinking "with the adults yes if they don't listen the first time" the smile that takes over his face almost makes me second guess.

Who am I kidding, I ain't second guessing shit let those who harmed my people suffer. I then turned to Junfeng who was still rooted in his position "Junfeng this is a direct order from your queen, capture all the adults who were harming children and lock them away" he bowed his head "and Junfeng you have my permission to get revenge on those that hurt you" I saw the gleam in his eyes.

I then walked back into the castle as I walked pass the throne room I heard screams, deciding to be nosy I entered to see Jasper fucking up was I thought was the vampires from before. Looking closer I saw that Major was at the front, I wonder who pissed him off to this point that he was being ruthless, the guards saw me and bowed but that didn't stop him and when I looked I saw Jane being held back by Alec and my brother had a flamethrower in his hand.

I tilted my head unsure of what was going on, Marcus walked over to me "will you be okay my sweet" I was now even more confused as to why he asked this, but he wouldn't let me look behind him until I answered him. Even though I was unsure I decided to nod at him "I want words my love" I sighed "I will be okay my king" Marcus then stared at me before moving to the side and what I saw almost made me lose my mind, there knelt in front of me was my ex and Isabella's mother and step dad.

Pick your battles Melody and pick them well, I closed my eyes and counted to 10 when I opened my eyes I looked at Aro "why are they here" he didn't take his eyes off them "we were planning to ask later" I raise my eyebrow at that "there won't be a chance if Major kills them" at this Major growls then my brother puts down the flamethrower.

"Charlie Swan" he then looks at me "Oh no don't Charlie Swan me, this walking STD, waste of vampire venom, rat looking head ass boy deserves every shot I fire. A shame I can't watch him bleed out." My brother has been around me too long, with my eyes I ask him to explain exactly what happened.

This caused Charlie to sigh "Isabella turned Renee and Phil, then Renee turned Dante and they were all here in Italy and apparently saw as Isabella went on her rampage killing the locals, before Isabella was obviously captured." He stopped and let Major continue explaining "then Renee must've realized that something wasn't right as she has been spying and was caught then began demanding we take her to the queen and when we said that you weren't here Renee stated and I quote 'Why would I be asking about the gorilla I'm talking about my child' this pissed me the fuck off and I growled."

I sighed as I was over her presence already and nodded at them all to continue Caius stepped forward "Phil then growled back at Major and said 'Melody will be mine I need a good maid' this is what pissed us all off but this affected your brother and Major the most" why can't he leave me alone, I'm so over today it's not even a joke at this point.

Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs ~ UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now