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Previously on ~
Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs.

Melody's PoV ~

After putting Seth down, Liam walked over and nudged my leg I scratched behind his ear and thanked him for his help. Liam walked out and headed off to who knows where. I asked Leah to follow him then come back. She wanted to argue but when she saw my face and saw that it wasn't the time she huffed and followed after Liam.

Now on ~
Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs.

Seth's PoV ~

I laid on the floor not changing and not listening to things happening around me, I needed to re think my plan of running that way I wouldn't be caught. Then once I was far enough, hopefully it wouldn't take long for mom and my siblings to forget about me "Seth" someone said but it wasn't important right now.

Making sure to shut Leah out of my thoughts so she wouldn't hear me as I'm sure that why I was caught so quick, not that I'm underestimating Jane and Alec but Leah was the fastest when we were in Sam's pack and she's only getting quicker. Even though I didn't want to leave I needed to, mom didn't need me she has her children.

The kings I saw them as father figures but I couldn't get too close if I did then it would make it harder to leave. Then I looked even I heard the door shut, but I was surprised to see that it was mom that left "Seth, we see you as our son. We want you to know that just because your mother gave us children doesn't mean we will change how we treat you" Marcus said.

But I found it hard to believe, once a good thing happens then something bad will happen and I can't loose another person close to me so if I go then the bad will happen and mom won't have to suffer again. But I then felt a cold hand on my neck when I looked I saw it was Caius "Seth why don't you phase back and talk to us tell us why you want to run."

Deciding to listen to him I nodded and they walked out of the room after throwing a pair of short at me, once the door closed I changed back it was a bit painful as I have been in that form for a while.  "You can come back now" I said as I opened the door for them Marcus and Caius both walked back and looked at me with worry.

"So, why" was all Marcus said but I didn't really have an answer for him. I sighed "cause so far every time something good happens to mom it's followed by something bad" Caius sighed at that "so you wanted to be the bad that wouldn't injure her and that way something good would happen" I nodded looking at the floor.

But my head snapped up when I heard a chuckle, I got annoyed when I saw Caius laugh "it's not funny dad" I said and he stopped laughing and smiled at me "my son, one let's think about who your mother is you don't think she won't track you down and two you are our son as well we were just waiting for you to be comfortable with it and now you are. We will not be loosing our son" Caius said.

Then Marcus chuckled "while your reason is in the good place, it's stupid of you to do that. You wouldn't just be hurting your mother, you would be hurting yourself, think of everyone especially Soleilia do you know how hurt she would be" I nodded "I know, I thought about it all but after what happened with mom and her sleeping for so long and still being weak I rather run than see another person close to me die" this made them stop and stare at me.

"I feel like I'm loosing everyone around me. I lost my parents, I almost lost Leah, Jake and the I nearly loose mom..." I broke down not being able to stand anymore I dropped to the floor and I felt arms around me "I'm not strong enough okay. I can't loose any of you and it's been close too many times" I sobbed out.

Looking back at all that happened I was always to weak to do anything. So if I leave then no one would have to worry about me being the weak link, as I was thinking that I heard Leah shouting out to me. I tried to push her out again but she wasn't having it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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