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Melody's PoV ~

So a few days after ripping apart Alice and Edward the Volturi left, I was upset as I felt like a part of me left but it wasn't so bad as I had Jasper with me and we decided that Marcus would stay as Aro and Caius were the one deal out punishments the most. I was still sad to see them go but they had to do their jobs, my brother was made aware of the rules of when a human finds out about vampires.

Yeah that didn't go well, he had the same reaction as me only difference was that the weather didn't change. What made it worse was that he child had come back to house "dad I'm home" I didn't look up instead I stay cuddled up with Marcus and Jasper my leg on Marcus who was giving them a heavenly massage, Jasper sat on the floor with his head on my stomach. I ran my hand through his hair and heard rumbling from him making me smile.

I was in my own world but then I heard a scoff "why is she here dad" my brother spoke up but saw from the corner of my eye that he didn't look at her "what do you want"  now I'm worried for my brother, but in the same breath I wasn't, I could always see how my brother was treated and even I knew that he would eventually hit his breaking point.

(I don't remember how old Bella is in twilight eclipse so 18 it is)

But since she is now 18, Charlie doesn't have to have her here "I live here dad and I'm your child" he shook his head and went back to watching TV "brother when are you gonna take a holiday" he laughs at me "where give me another niece and nephew" I smirked at him when he turned and looked at my face he looked scared "Melody I was joking" I shrug.

I get up to leave with Marcus and Jasper following me I went to the Reservation it was my turn to cook that and Emily wanted to introduce me to a person she met online. I have realized that I'm a lot calmer when I'm around the pack and my mates it feel's easier to control my elements well until I'm in the same room as Isabella.

When we got to the res I saw a new face, we both looked at each other I couldn't help but think she looked like a younger me just with vitiligo. Now I was a bit worried because I lost my child but my ex had vitiligo I don't know if it can be passed on through parents, but who cares I walked over to her and smiled and she bowed at me I tilt my head at her.

"Why is she bowing Paul and Jared are you playing a prank on me" they shake their heads "I'm bowing because you're the queen of the elementals" I have no idea what she's talking about and looking around I saw that others were confused too, I got down to her level "please rise and explain this to me" she nods and gets up.

She then grows wings they aren't as big as mine, but still beautiful and while mine are white and gold ombré hers reminded me of sunrise. After I stopped looking at her wings I see her looking at mine in awe and I giggle at her "my queen the explanation is simple you can control all the elements, you are protective and ...." She stopped talking then blew into her hand the air becoming a ball.

Harmoni throws the ball at me, but I don't flinch as I already knew the elements can't hurt me that much "your not harmed by other elements if you was to throw the air element at me I would be hurt 1 because you are more powerful and 2 I'm only a air elemental" I nod but still couldn't believe I was a queen "are there others" she shrugs at me and smiles sadly "possibly I came because I felt energy so powerful my instincts took over and brought me in this direction"

I see from the corner of my eye Jacob looking at her "have you been introduced to everyone yet" I say with a smile on my face she shakes her head at me I then start saving Jacob for last, when Jacob was in front of my I felt Harmoni hide behind me. I laugh and lift my wing up and then watch as both her and Jacob look at each other, after a few seconds the two pack began cheering.

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