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So I'm continuing this here it that last chapter felt really long.

Athenodora's PoV ~

After I introduced myself to the elemental I looked at Caius and sighed "why did she not know about us, I know we were hidden away but really" Aro and Caius looked at the ground, I'm not ever their mate and I would feel absolutely heart broken. I turn to look back at I don't actually think I know her name, she looks at me and smiles "I don't think I said my name, I am Melody Swan but I'm more known as Melody Knight" she said as she bowed at me.

I bowed back smiling "it's a pleasure my queen" she giggled and I smiled "I don't think I will get used to that" it seemed to be fine until Sulcipia opened her mouth "why are you being so friendly with her, she is trying to take our title. Only useful thing she did was bring food" then there was a chill that went through the air, but it was not normal chill. What that saying ah yes when hell freezes over that's what it felt like, I chose my life and stepped back and out of the way.

Leaving Melody to do what she wants as long as I'm not involved in those plans "that human was hurt earlier care to tell me what happened" Melody said way to calm, now I'm a woman so I know when another female is angry and there is obviously a bond between her and the human so again I want no part. Sulcipia is obviously way too stupid to realize and continues to speak, it was nice knowing her "I thought he was one of the new workers and he was in the way, I ordered him to do something but he began to talk back I slapped him for his disrespect then I kicked him out of my sight"

While I was rude to her as I didn't know who she was and she was in the queens wing of the castle, while I was stuck in a tower for how many millennia Caius told me shortly after Jane stormed out going after her. I was shocked by the fact that Jane had a soul bond with the woman, but it became clear as to why though. My tower mate didn't want to hear it she only wanted to be the queen for power and sex neither of them were given making her a pain to deal with, I had grown close to the humans in the castle as they gave me information and told me stories so when Sulpicia had hurt the human I was annoyed.

Melody's PoV ~

"Was everything a lie Aro I am your queen" okay so I'm about to be down two mates if this continues because I'm loosing my mind and patience, this woman has her own head so far up her ass it's almost sad, I stop my vines from holding her and just watch as I knew I would kill her and that would be way too easy. So I walk over to her and rip her arms off then kick her not caring I'm in a dress and watch as she flies back into the wall, man did that feel good.

But after the rain comes the storm and boy was I mad though I did something I sure they didn't expect. I stopped my emotions and just spoke as if I had no emotions "until I can trust you Aro and Caius I will not speak to you, you have to earn my trust and it won't be easy" I leave and hear footsteps follow me, I see that it was those who are meant to be my guards but I knew none of their names. Stopping in my tracks I turn to look at them and they instantly bow "what is the command my queen" I giggle at the male that said that "please rise and let's have a talk in my room"

The looks they all gave was priceless "let us go back to my wing I would like to get to know you all" there was confusion but I was then led back to my wing, I'm glad they showed me because I did not remember how to get there. Once we arrived I went to enter my room but was tackled by 2 giant wolves I laugh and squeal like a little girl then remembered about the guard behind me, they were all smiling at me and 1 of them walked over and help me up. He was quite handsome but he also looked very hurt and that made me sad.

"Hello my queen my name is Isaiah it's nice to me meet you I have control over the shadows I can travel between and transport another person but if I'm not with them then I can't control where that person goes" and here I thought my attraction was mainly white vampires, but as much as my mates have angered my they are mine and I am theirs. I think back to his powers and they are strong, I can see why Caius wanted him to be in my guard though I hope they know if there's a fight I will be on the battlefield unless I'm pregnant.

Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs ~ UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now