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All languages will now be written "like this" as I'm over using Google Translate.

Previously on ~
Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs.

Aro's PoV ~

"Let us be done with this, and hope I'm not pregnant the next time you wanna play with my emotions" Melody said then turned to walk away waiting for no one.

Now on ~
Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs.

Melody's PoV ~

As we were walking back, I felt more and more tired so I looked to my advisors. "Last time I sent you all back to each kingdom to see what needed to be done, I still want to do that as I am weak the venom can only hold me for so long" everyone paused as I said that, I stopped Aro as I saw he was about to speak "our children are powerful and they take a lot of my energy. I did what I could" I then looked at Renesmee and Soleilia.

I smiled at them wondering how I could help them in this timeline "Renesmee and Soleilia last time I gave you a choice and I will ask you again what is it you want me to do with your parents" it was Soleilia who looked up at me and answered "Isabella never loved me and I could hear her thoughts and it was nothing good even the plans she had for my sister" I was confused as I did know that she could hear that brats thoughts.

Looking at Aro as I knew he can see each thought with a touch, he was looking at his hands then at me confused "my queen I didn't know" I saw that he was genuine so I looked back at Soleilia "I didn't want you to know as she told people things about me and they stopped talking to me and I didn't want to be the same with you" before I could say anything I felt a pain in my stomach and fell to the floor.

Screaming in pain, I put my hand on my stomach as my other hand supported me, I heard everyone run over to me but all the sounds muffled together.

Jane's PoV ~

I was scared mother has never shown this type of pain before and I felt useless, I was then shaken out off my thoughts by my brother. "Sister you are the faster out of us here get Carlisle" I looked in his eyes and slowly nodded at him still in shock. When I looked at mother she was trying her hardest to not show any pain so I took off.

Caius' PoV ~

Aro and Marcus were next to our queen, while Jasper and I had picked up Renesmee and Soleilia. They both her crying thinking they had hurt Melody and the baby which we assured them they hadn't, Gaia had picked up Wangshu but he wouldn't calm down as he wanted Melody and only her. "We felt our queens pain, what happened" my head snapped to look at her advisors from the fire kingdom, who were back and covered in blood and scars. Then I looked behind them and saw the unconscious bodies of two women.

"If I knew I would tell you, Jane should be back any moment with Carlisle, he's a doctor" they nodded, then Junfeng walked over and he looked at Aurora. It was like they had a conversation soon they nodded at each other and began chanting which made me confused but it seemed to help my queen. "It looks like the baby is coming now, we need move her to her home."

They saw that we weren't moving "her home has something for each element this will help us, while the baby is a vampire it is also part elemental and this is how royals deal with it" Marcus walked forward and picked her up "we don't know what to do our parents never got to teach us how to help the queen with giving birth" said Leimomi. Aurora smiled at her "it will be fine think of it as giving some of essence to the queen like when she uses to much of her powers"

Aurora then went to fly off ahead of us but was stopped by Melody "just take me to my clearing" she said as she grunted in pain, I was angry as I didn't know what was happening and how her elemental advisors were meant to help her. It made me feel useless, I am usually the one to think of ways to help but here I am unsure. I looked at Carlisle "I don't know how to help her being an elemental adds aspect that I don't know of."

Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs ~ UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now