Even with skin as smooth and brown like chocolate Melody is not seen as appetizing by those who drink blood.
Could the four men in her dreams be the reason why.
Highest rankings ~ April 2023
1st in Curvy
1st in Elementals
1st in Caius
I wanted to shoot this woman I can't believe that I fell for her. If I'm honest I want what Melody has, hopefully I find it soon. Renee has been a pain since she arrived she assumed that she could stay at my home which I no longer have, then came to the reservation saying that I should be a better father. I haven't said anything yet but I feel my patience running out.
Melody's home has been my hide out since Bella and Renee don't know where it is. Which has been the best thing ever, I laid down on the couch just wanting to relax but that plan was ruined when I received a call from Billy I understood as I heard a banshee in the background, low and behold it was Renee asking for me. I let out a long sigh and then I told Billy I was on my way, I got up "where you going" I jumped into the air terrified "gosh Mel's I'm gonna get you a bell and Renee's here and causing problems at the res."
As I'm speaking I'm walking until I remember that Melody didn't know that Renee and Phil had arrived yet. I stopped and looked at her to see Melody's eyes twitching "problems, how brother" I took a step back as it got hard to breath being so close to her "Bella" that was all I said and I swear my sister almost lost her mind. Next thing I know Melody is getting up and going back into her room and came out dressed. I went to leave as I was but was again stopped by Melody "Charlie change" I groaned not feeling like changing "I don't think so go shave and I'll pick out an outfit for you. I'm sure you know I have clothes for you" yeah I know you do sis.
Was I worried a bit but I trusted my sister. After shaving and contemplating, I left the room and found on the bed something similar to my style, but a bit too fitting for my liking. Trusting my sister, and knowing that she'll make me put it on I put it on willingly instead of being forced and after it was on. I left the room and Melody was waiting for me. I saw her face and she smiled obviously liking what she picked out for me to wear.
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I gotta say I looked hot and I didn't expect to look this good, I kept the moustache as I wouldn't be chief Charlie Swan of Forks police without it. Though I did clean up my face a bit, we all got into the cars I drove Melody's car Jasper went and got his car and Melody and Marcus were in the rented jeep. We all headed to the reservation and I just wanted to leave, everyone stopped to look at me obviously surprised.
Billy rolled over "Charlie you clean up nicely but I know this was your sisters doing" I chuckled at that "you have no idea" I truly forgot about why we had come here opting to enjoy the calm conversation I was in until I hear the voice of the woman I thought I loved. I mumbled why me which I knew all the supernaturals around me heard "Renee just leave" but she had to have the last word "it's been a week since I arrived and you haven't come to check on me, I had to book a hotel because you couldn't look after the house causing it to burn down."
Melody's PoV ~
Okay so both this woman and her daughter are stupid, I was trying to hold back my temper as I didn't want to reveal myself and possibly kill her "and you what have you done to cause my child and her father to fall out" I rolled my eyes already too tired to deal with her. Renee demanded an explanation so I gave her one "I did nothing your child is a disrespectful and entitled brat, my brother had enough of it. I was called when she was going through depression as I went through it so he thought I could help" Renee went to interrupt me "I'm not finished, as I was saying I came to help and all she was to me was rude when she jumped off a cliff she brushed aside my worry saying I'm not her real auntie."