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Previously on ~
Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs.

Caius' PoV ~

I then started walking to Melody's house "let us get her more comfortable then we will go home" I looked at Harmoni and she looked at pack with sad eyes "Harmoni, you will always be welcome in Volterra focus on healing and being with your imprint" she smiled at me then walked over and kissed my cheek "thank you, please protect her" I smiled at her and nodded my head, I then looked at the elite guards "make sure her journey is as uncomfortable as you can make it." They all smirked and bowed their heads at me, I started walking and heard the footsteps behind me letting me know that everyone was following me.

Now on ~
Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs.

One Day Later ~

Melody's PoV ~

I woke up feeling tired, when I looked around I saw that I was in my room. But I don't remember coming back here, I went to sit up then it all came rushing back to me, what Renee, Phil and Isabella did to my son and had kept him away from me for years. I was angry but I was weak, I groaned as I was now sitting then I heard what sounded like a stampede heading towards me. The door slammed open and I groaned again.

"Hush, whoever just barged in like that" I said not even looking everything felt bright and louder, and for some reason I couldn't figure out why "Melody, I want to check on you and I brought a few blood bags from the hospital you need to feed" said Carlisle, well that at least told me one of the people in the room but from the heartbeats as well I knew that either my children or advisors were in the room as well, then it felt like another person had entered the room.

It felt like a elemental but at the same time it didn't "Benjamin I can sense you" I said still not opening my eyes but I heard a click then I felt a little heat "my queen try opening your eyes now" said Koa and I did and sighed in gratitude as the fire wasn't hurting my eyes. Both Carlisle and Maristela walked over to me and began examining me, they stopped and looked at each other "speak Carlisle what is the matter." I said softly to him.

I knew it had to be bad as seemed both him and my advisor were having silent conversations "my queen it seems that since you was so weak and you had almost used all your elemental energy, the vampiric side took over and you are more vampire than elemental." Carlisle started I nodded and I guess it made sense "however, it seems like the elemental energy is now replenishing much quicker making you stronger, as long as you feed I don't see you getting weak or suffering from an energy drain" Maristela said.

Now that my eyes that my eyes were open I looked around the room more and saw all my children and only Koa and Maristela were here out of my advisors, when I looked by the window my mates stood there with concern in their eyes "momma you've been out for a day, they haven't left they said they could hear your heartbeat change and they didn't want to leave you" Leah said I could see the pain in her eyes as well and I opened my arms for her.

Within seconds Leah was hugging me, and she started crying "when I can you heartbeat was slow and I was so scared I thought I was about to loose you as well" I comforted her and then I looked to see Seth in his wolf form with his other siblings laying around him "Seth my darling, please don't use that form to hide how you feel know you can always speak to me" I said he lifted his head up before he got comfortable again.

It was quiet after I said that and the room was filled with tension "what else are you not telling me" at this everyone apart from my children moved back from me. So I looked at my mates, Marcus was the one to speak "while you was asleep and changing there was an eclipse, the townspeople were confused and it's being called phenomenon as it wasn't talked about and it came from nowhere." I didn't know how to react my powers have never affected the sun and moon before so I didn't know what to say or think.

Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs ~ UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now