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Previously on ~
Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs.

Alice's PoV ~

Even if she did my plans wouldn't change to much it would just be me on the throne, the help shouldn't get to sit on a throne that was out of their league.

Now on ~
Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs.

Charlie's PoV ~

I was now sitting in my sisters lounge thinking about everything that has happened, Aro had explained why my sister was pregnant don't get me wrong I wasn't happy but to hear that Renee was now a vampire and had sent my sister back in time made me angrier. Turning to look at Caius "look Isabella is obviously more of a hassle while she is alive, don't even give that child a chance just kill her" the kings looked at me.

Sometimes I honestly think that people assume that just cause I'm a small town police sheriff I'm stupid, I rub my head feeling the headache coming "look if what my sister said is true then she will be weak, I'm of no help while I'm human but I see thing and that Alice girl has plans so deal with her sooner rather than later" they nodded at me. Getting up from the chair, I walk to the spare bedroom feeling drained.

For the next hour I just sat on the bed thinking about everything that's happened, but I was brought out of my thoughts when there was a knock at the door. I cleared my throat and told the person to come in, I think they were contemplating if they should come in or not and I chuckled. I walked to my door and opened it, standing at my door was my granddaughter/niece Solielia with a smile on her face.

And next to her was a woman that I felt like I knew her but in the same breath I didn't, as I looked in her eyes I got lost "uncle Charlie this is Athena" this made the woman smile "hello my name is Athenodora it's nice to meet you" I was in a trance from her voice but I was broken out of said trance by Athenodora laughing, it was such a nice thing to hear "sorry it's nice to meet you Athenodora" before she could utter anything else Soleilia pushed her towards me.

Before running off laughing as she did, I shook my head at her actions but I couldn't find it me to move my arms from around the woman. I honestly felt like nothing could bother me while she was next to me "you seem to be taking this very well" she said with amusement in her voice making me roll my eyes "I've been around my sister and the kings to know some things and I want my own happiness as well" she looked up at me shocked then leaned into my chest.

She smiled at me and nodded "I'm sorry for what Sulicpia did to you that was uncalled for and I should've stepped in" I was shocked that she apologized for that and when I looked at her she looked to the ground avoiding eye contact with me. Lifted her head so that I could look in her eyes "don't hide from me love, I don't blame you for another's actions" I kissed her on the cheek.

Aro's PoV ~

Thinking about what Charlie said and if I'm being honest he's right, I turn to my brothers "what do you think we should do" of course Caius said to kill them all, Jasper was silent "Jasper you are as much of a king as I, please I want to hear your opinion" he then turned to look at Caius, Marcus and I before sighing "look I didn't like her from the beginning I always got the feeling of entitlement from her" he said before taking another unnecessary breath.

"If I'm honest with all of you, both Isabella and Alice are more of a hassle then good use, we have more powerful shields and Alice's vision are never set in stone causing more damage" okay, that was something neither I or my brothers knew "I feel like we've been lied to please explain her gift I was just told she was a seer" with a humourless laugh Jasper spoke "she is a seer but her visions are based on the choices of people so they are never the final outcome. Alice would interfere to make sure her visions came true and it looked as if she really did see the future."

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