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Previously on ~
Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs

Melody's PoV ~

Then I looked at my son "you don't have to come with us I don't want to make you uncomfortable but I hope you visit" I said to him but I was surprised when he told me he would come in a week. The next people I looked at were my mates "we are gonna need a bigger plane my kings" they smiled "leave it to me my queen" Aro said as he walked away.

Now on ~
Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs

Jackson's PoV ~
(Remember he is Melody's long lost son)

I was happy to finally find my mom, I knew something wasn't right when I was first being told about her. Then I met that nurse and as much as she would tell me stories about mom she didn't do enough but she would feel my anger.

The doctors who decided for my mom and took me and my sister away from her, they would be the ones to pay. I had a bad upbringing and due to my vitiligo I was severely bullied, so I plan to sue the hospital.

I like to keep some cards to my chest so I hadn't told my family what I plan to do, I said bye to everyone and I went to get my car and headed back to Seattle and I would begin my plans. Before I joined my mom in Italy, my sister was gonna stay with her supernatural boyfriend so until I go I will just spend time with my sister.

Time Skip ~

Once I got back to the hotel I waved to the receptionist and he smiled at me, I then made my way up to my room and called a person who owed me a favour.

Phone Call

Jackson -
"Can I call in that favour"

Unknown -
"I know I said I owe you but you're a friend"
"If you need help I will do my best"

Jackson -
"So I was able to find my mom"

Unknown -
"That's great but I can tell there's more to this"

Jackson  -
"Oh there is I want to sue the hospital"
"And I need as much information on a man called Dante don't know the surname but should be in jail for over 20 years now due to kidnapping a Melody Swan"

Unknown -
"Wait Melody is your mother you know I see the resemblance now"

Jackson -
"Yeah she's my mom my sisters look more like mom though"

Unknown -
"Next time you see your mom tell her Liam says hi"
"My crew will help you, you have constantly saved our asses. Though how's Melody gonna react when she hears about the case"

Jackson -
"Leave that with me Liam but make them unable to work again they hurt my mom and I want them broken"

End of Call

Liam laughs but says consider it done then hung up, I knew he would find out all the information I needed about this Dante fucker by tomorrow I don't care who that man is but from the way mom flinched when hearing his name, he's lucky I don't kill him.

My next problem was trying to find out who the fuck Isabella is, because she's supernatural I knew I could ask Liam about this. But there were some strong emotions especially when mom was telling those people how that Renee woman was Isabella's mom. It seems like I've missed a lot and I'm in need to catch up.

Time Skip ~
Melody's POV ~

I was dreading going back to Volterra, mainly because that brat is gonna be in my home and taint it with her nonsense. I finish packing my bag and before I can even try to pick it up it's snatched from my hand, when I try to see who would such a thing. Looking up I see Aro with a smirk on his face.

Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs ~ UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now