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Leah's PoV ~

I had lost track of the days mom has been gone, but I think it's been 5 days and as each day has gone by I've gotten angrier, but you wanna know what the icing on the cake was. That would be when my siblings and I saw that mom left her phone, now we knew that if we really needed her mom would hear us but we knew that what she was doing was important to her. It was also weird when that winged man came on the first day. After he came my routine was to watch the sky looking for mom.

When I can think back to you on the first day was how I wanted to rip apart the two kings for how they made my mom feel because for her to fly out the window the way she did made me truly upset and I know my mom is strong, but after everything she went through with Bella I thought they would be different. What didn't help my emotions as well was the fact that I couldn't see my mate due to him being a part of the kings elite guard I don't even know why the kings need an elite guard when they have other guards.

I still can't believe I have a vampire as a mate. My nature is meant to protect people from them. My instincts at first wanted me to kill him, but when I looked in his eyes I couldn't. I finally understood how the others felt when they imprinted it was magical and to see my future with him was all I could ever want thinking back to the way I was in Forks I think it was due to how Sam ended it all he didn't say anything just disappeared and then when I find him he's with my cousin of all people.

Before I can even feel sad about what happened, Felix shows up out of nowhere and hugs me "princess are you alright" I smile at him "just missing mom but I'm better now" he kisses my cheek causing me to smile some more. But I was cut short when we heard someone walking in our direction I growled being annoyed, but I stopped when I saw Marcus he became a father to me in mom's absence and I surprisingly enjoyed his company. "I'm sorry to bother you Leah but I need you in the throne room"

I was confused of what he could need I've already cussed out his brothers since mom left, I just wanted my mom to hurry up and come back especially since I want her permission to fight that woman dungeon that convinced the guard to let her out of the dungeon and was trying to stay in the queens wing. Like we were ever gonna let that happen but it didn't seem to stop her, but I was surprised when I a blonde.

Thinking it was Rosalie at first but her scent was different once I got closer, I was on edge as I don't remember this woman. When she looked at me she seemed upset "I was hoping to see Melody" of course she knew my mom. Before anyone Aro stepped forward but he got to close to me causing me to growl and I smirked when he flinched. "She's away for the moment but what brings you to Volterra Irina" she looks sad and almost annoyed "I want to report a crime the Cullens have done a terrible thing"

Everyone in the room perks up at that wondering what they could've done now, I lean into Felix and we wait as Aro steps forward and holds Irina's hand. It was quiet then Aro let's go and growls before walking away laughing, this is not good, Caius looks at her and asked for her to say since Aro didn't say anything "I saw a child with vampiric abilities with a newborn Bella" it was again quiet. Marcus stepped forward "take her to one of the guest rooms in the queens wing"

Irina bowed then left the throne room following a human and as soon as the door closed the kings grew angry "she doesn't learn" said Marcus "Edward should know better, him and the rest of the coven. Of all things an immortal child" said Caius. Me, Seth and Bree were so confused, from the way the Kings acted I can't wait for Jasper to hear this I know he's gonna be pissed. I couldn't dwell on it too hard as a scent entered my nose making me snap my head to the door.

Seth's PoV ~

I saw my sister snap her head to the door so I did the same, my nose was filled with many different scents. However there was one that was familiar but different "Leah you smelling this too" she nodded at me, Leah opened her mouth but was stopped when the doors slammed open and in entered a blue woman with galaxy angel wings holding a child.

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